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OpenCPN 5.6.0

@bdbcat bdbcat released this 8 hours ago

5 December, 2021

The OpenCPN Development Team is proud to announce the release of OpenCPN Version 5.6.0.
OpenCPN Version 5.6.0 is available for immediate download.

This version is a feature upgrade and maintenance release of OpenCPN.

OpenCPN is a cross platform electronic navigation system (ECS) supporting a variety of cartography standards and hardware interface protocols. Versions are available for linux, Windows, Raspberry Pi, and MacOS computer architectures.

Some features of OpenCPN include:

  • Quilted Raster(RNC) and Vector(ENC) digital chart display.
  • Support for MBTiles photo and geographical chart overlays.
  • Industry standard GPS receiver interfacing, with "moving map" on-screen vessel tracking.
  • AIS receiver interfacing with configurable target safety monitoring.
  • Integrated Route, Track, and Waypoint database, with industry standard Import/Export capabilities.
  • Tide and Current prediction, with on-screen overlay of predicted data.
  • Broad International Language support.
  • PlugIn architecture allowing on-going third-party functional enhancements.

OpenCPN is released under the GPLV2 license. The executable program and its source code are available for immediate, free, and unlimited download from github.com.

As a successor to OpenCPN Version 5.2.4, OpenCPN Version 5.6.0 contains new features and enhanced functions.
Among them are:

  • Incorporate extensive user feedback to resolve various UI flaws and functional errors.

  • Support extended display resolutions and modes, including Dark Mode on supported platforms.

  • Extend Plugin system program interface, enabling new new classes of Plugins with enhanced features.

  • Increased performance in all areas, particularly when using OpenGL graphics acceleration.

  • Improved reliability over all supported platforms.

We hope you enjoy the new features of OpenCPN Version 5.6.0, and look forward to your continued feedback.

Download OpenCPN Version 5.6.0 at

For Plugins, documentation, and other useful information, visit our support website at:

The OpenCPN Development Team
Dave Register, Lead Developer



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Da er denne utviklingssyklusen og Beta-testingen fullført:thumbsup:

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Ha en Riktig fin Advent- og Julehøytid.....!







Da er den nye versjonen gjennomtestet og lansert, gratulerer alle sammen!


OpenCPN 5.6.0

@bdbcat bdbcat released this 8 hours ago

5 December, 2021

The OpenCPN Development Team is proud to announce the release of OpenCPN Version 5.6.0.
OpenCPN Version 5.6.0 is available for immediate download.

This version is a feature upgrade and maintenance release of OpenCPN.

OpenCPN is a cross platform electronic navigation system (ECS) supporting a variety of cartography standards and hardware interface protocols. Versions are available for linux, Windows, Raspberry Pi, and MacOS computer architectures.

Some features of OpenCPN include:

  • Quilted Raster(RNC) and Vector(ENC) digital chart display.
  • Support for MBTiles photo and geographical chart overlays.
  • Industry standard GPS receiver interfacing, with "moving map" on-screen vessel tracking.
  • AIS receiver interfacing with configurable target safety monitoring.
  • Integrated Route, Track, and Waypoint database, with industry standard Import/Export capabilities.
  • Tide and Current prediction, with on-screen overlay of predicted data.
  • Broad International Language support.
  • PlugIn architecture allowing on-going third-party functional enhancements.

OpenCPN is released under the GPLV2 license. The executable program and its source code are available for immediate, free, and unlimited download from github.com.

As a successor to OpenCPN Version 5.2.4, OpenCPN Version 5.6.0 contains new features and enhanced functions.
Among them are:

  • Incorporate extensive user feedback to resolve various UI flaws and functional errors.

  • Support extended display resolutions and modes, including Dark Mode on supported platforms.

  • Extend Plugin system program interface, enabling new new classes of Plugins with enhanced features.

  • Increased performance in all areas, particularly when using OpenGL graphics acceleration.

  • Improved reliability over all supported platforms.

We hope you enjoy the new features of OpenCPN Version 5.6.0, and look forward to your continued feedback.

Download OpenCPN Version 5.6.0 at

For Plugins, documentation, and other useful information, visit our support website at:

The OpenCPN Development Team
Dave Register, Lead Developer



Da er denne utviklingssyklusen og Beta-testingen fullført:thumbsup:


Lykke til alle sammen med et godt verktøy til båtlivet:flag_bp:


Ha en Riktig fin Advent- og Julehøytid.....!




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