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Info om gammel Volvo Penta 35hk påhengs?


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499cc, 3 cylinder water-cooled 2 stroke. Some nasty faults prevented this unit from becoming popular, not least the lack of a reed valve to control the intake. This caused frequent spark plug fouling. Rubber mounts were fitted that were under tremendous strain from new - they had to be stretched and mis-shaped when installed correctly, so would fail all too easily. But the worst thing of all about this monster was the the throttle arrangement - a shaft ran under the powerhead, which operated the throttle on the port side of the block. This shaft was not stainless in initial production, and would corrode terribly. The bushes it ran in would break up, or seize, causing loss of throttle control. Lots of these engines were sold in crates to some enterprising character in the late 70's, and they re-appeared a few years later as "bargain" brand new engines when memories had faded. A lot of people got caught out. Gawd bless 'em....

My very first memory of an outboard was when I was about 11 years old, and family friends invited us for a days cruising on the Thames. The engine was one of these horrors - we spent the entire day trying to coax the nearly-new engine to run at low speed without fouling. I doubt we covered more than 2 miles in total.




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