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How to remove Epoxy Paint


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Can anyone tell me what i can use to remove 2 part epoxy paint from glassfiber.

Well, do you know what characterise a good whore? No, you don’t?

She can suck the crome plating from the bumpers of a -59 Cadillac.


A good whore could certainly have done the job.

2K epoxy sticks to the surface as good as crome plating. In other words, almost impossible to remove. Try a sander and a steady hand, but avoid to ruin the gelcoat

Fjord 26AC,  FjordDolphin 900, Princess 35, Fairline 43 Fly, HIghField 320, Ukjent 15´ med 9,9.

ad. planlegging:

"Selv den mest nitidige planlæggning, kan ei erstatte det reneste griseheld". StormP

"Alle kan ha en plan, inntil de får en knyttneve midt i trynet" Mike Tyson

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An oscillating/orbit sander would do the job nicely :cool:

Mine kjøretøy pr i dag: "NittiNitti": -90 Land Rover 90, "Bimbo": -93 BMW R1100RS, "Helmut": -08 Knaus Sunliner 808

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