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As requested please find listed below general product information, unit pricing, detailed technical data sheet and mechanical outline drawings for our model VT151XHBL


Model VT151XHBL

Configuration # VT151XHBL-2-RS-0-00

Completely Sealed Case Rated IP68 Watertight.

15.1" Color TFT Active Matrix LCD Flat Panel.

XGA Native Resolution, 1024x768 pixels.

800 nit Daylight Readable Brightness.

Exceptionally Wide Temperature Range.

Shock Resistant Adjustable RAM Mount or Panel Mount

Thin Profile Anodized Aluminum Case.

Finish: Black anodized with a bright dip chemical film which UV stabilizes the color. This eliminates the normal finger prints that makes straight anodized finishes look dirty and produces a mat finish cutting down on glare.

Drilled and Tapped for Optional Panel Mounting.

8-30 VDC (12, 24, 28 VDC nominal) or 120/240 VAC Source Voltage.

Analog Resistive Touch Screen

Cables with Connectors Included

Warranty Period: Two Years

Lifetime Technical Support

Unit Price: US $4680.00


Available Options

-Integrated Heaters for Extended Low-End Operational Temperatures

-Alternated Mechanical Configurations

-Full-Range Manual Dimming

-Automatic Sensor Dimming

-Volume Purchase Discounts, as applicable


Should you have any questions, comments or further requirements please feel free to contact me.



Mark Frakes

Sales Manager

Vartech Systems Inc.



225-297-2440 fax


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