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Volvo Ocean Race 2005/2006


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Points win prizes so they say and nowhere more so than on the Volvo Ocean Race. There are points for the In Port races, points for passing scoring gates along the course, points for finishing the legs. The overall winner will be the boat that scores the highest number of points by the time they get to Gothenburg.


To get technical, the winner of an ocean leg will get points equal to the number of entries at the start of the race, less the number of boats placed above her on that leg. For instance, if all seven entries start the race in Vigo, then the first boat home in Cape Town will get seven points, the second will get six and so on. If by some misfortune a boat drops out of the race at any stage, the first boat home on any subsequent leg will still get seven points, but the last will get two points instead of one.


For the In Port races, boats receive points equal to half the number of entries, less half the number of boats placed above her in that race. For example, the winner of the Sanxenxo In Port race will get three and a half points, and the third boat will get two and a half points, the fifth boat will get one and a half points. The same, half value scoring method will apply at the gates on some of the legs.

Get your calculators out and join us in the funScoring Gates


Scoring gates have been introduced to legs one, two (where there are two gates), four, five and seven.


During Leg 1 the scoring gate will be at the islands of Fernando de Noronha which are situated just off the bulge of South America. In Leg 2 the first gate will be at the Kerguelen Islands right in the middle of this part of the Southern Ocean, the second at Eclipse Island tucked right in under the south west corner of Australia; this leg will be a good one to be ahead on. During the course of Leg 4 the scoring gate is Cape Horn itself, while on Leg 5 it’s our old friend Fernando de Noronha again. Finally, well towards the end of Leg 7, the scoring gate is at Lizard Point in Cornwall. From there to the finish, it’s just leg and inshore points remaining – still a goodly chunk to fight over.


One hundred and eight and a half points would go to a boat that managed to win all the legs, be first at all the scoring gates and win all the In Port races. As that scenario is very unlikely, it is clear that the final outcome of the race is likely to be in doubt right up to the end. As a point of interest, by the time the boats get to Rio, they will be three quarters of the way round the world, but two thirds of the points will still be up for grabs.


The new ways of scoring points introduce many variables into the scoring and will make the tussle between the seven boats a fascinating study for the armchair observer. Get your calculators out and join us in the fun.

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VOR 2005/2006


Nå en konkurranse mellom raskeste lasteskip :rolleyes:





De setter den vel på et bilskip tenker jeg :lol: .


Blir spennende å se utviklingen fremover. Båtene var ute i en god storm første døgnet etter starten. Overrasker meg at båtene ikke har vært testet i slike forhold tidligere. Kanskje annerledes i en konkurranse der de presser båten mer?

Redigert av Bitteliten (see edit history)
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Ser ut til at båten var bra nok den.

Ser ut til at de har truffet noe. Det skumles om en container.





Slagskader på kjølen, daggerboard og ror knekt av.

Dette var jo maksimal uflaks. På den andre siden er poengsystemet i VOR endret slik at et etappebrudd får mindre konsekvenser nå, på den tredje siden var det bra at det var et sammenstøt og ikke en konstruksjonsfeil


siste nytt fra VOR

Redigert av Bitteliten (see edit history)
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  • 1 måned senere...

Frostad sier i et intervju at det ser ut som om man kommer til et punkt hvor grensen er nådd i utviklingen av båtene og fart, og at den grensen nå er nådd.

Dette som et direkte resultat av lettere båter, svingkjøl etc., og at med dette så blir etapper som bl.a går i sørishavet en meget usikker afære for mannskapet.

Kloke ord fra en mann det står meget respekt av.


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