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American Red Oak i båten?

M/B Shanty

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Har rotet en del rundt på Glen-l forumet Glen-L

Mener den er særdeles lite råte-bestandig, og anbefales ikke til båtbygging med mindre den innkapsles 100% i epoxy. Men gjør ett søk på forumet deres, så finner du blandt annet dette svaret:


Have you read up on woods that lend themselves to boat building? Red oak is a poor choice because of it's being SO porous and susceptable to rot. Granted, it's a really pretty wood and as long as you could keep it totally encapsulated, you'd be just fine. But if it gets scratched, gouged or is in someway damaged, water can get in and the rot spores will activate very quickly in red oak. Also, if you don't stain red oak, (meaning you go with straight varnish onto the wood) it looks brassy. It needs to have its brightness toned down with stain to bring out the color.


White oak is just the opposite. It has a gorgeous color even without stain and is very resistant to rot. It can take a lot of damage without the rot spores activating and is much better suited to boat building. It's also stronger.


Så man trenger tydeligvis å ta sine forhåndsregler hvis man skal bruke dette treslaget...

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