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English: Help with identification of boat


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Can any body help with this id problem, ive been told it is a skagerrak it 25ft or 27ft long 8 foot beam not with me at the moment so cant measure it.

I have some details of the boat from the cockpit (det norske, veritas, opprettet 1864,certificate no 61917, boat no 363911.

Its driving me mad !3 days of internet browsing and got no where, so any help would be great.

Cheers Phil,




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Hi phil9021 and welcome to baatplassen.no :cheers:


I can't help you with the identification but I'm sure someone else can. I took the liberty to edit your post so that the images is visible directly (using "IMG" tags instead of "URL").

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Phil: I've done some searching and the Skagerak boats in the 25-27ft range are completely different to your. But since the boat is certified by Veritas, I'm sure that, based on the certificate data, they can answer which boat you have.


Go here, tick the "DNV Maritime" field and fill in your navn (name), e-post (email address), land (country) and melding (message), then send.

And pls. let us know what you find. :smiley:

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  • 3 uker senere...

Sorry Phil2091, I talked to DNV today and it appears that the data is not available on electronic form. This register is old, the Veritas certification ceased when EU and CE took over.

They have a manual register with 400,000 cards, and don't have time to go though it. Especially since the cards are organized based on manufacturer. A cross reference list between manufacturer and certificate number does not exist.


The Skagerrak Boats phone number given above are not in service and I cannot find the company. Probably not in business anymore.

Have have posted your question in the main forum.

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  • 1 måned senere...

Just found some more info. posten by me 3 years ago, but forgotten....


As you can see from that link only two Skagerrak models were certified. It also seems as if the first column contains a certification number. If so, the information I got from Veritas was wrong, they denied that such a list existed. Maybe they have also forgotten...

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Or directly here (copied from Ingars list, in fact: http://www.boat.no/veritas/sertifis.htm):

No Båttype Loa B Vekt Prop. B/D Max Max Max Sertefis Sertefis An

m m kg kW last pers meddelt opphørt


Skagerrak 1000: Elwaro Boats A/S, N-4890 Grimstad

343,03 Skagerrak 1000 10,2 3,25 4200 I D 144 1960 12 16.09.93

372,02 Skagerrak 880/900 9 2,8 2700 I D 141 1760 12 14.05.93


BTW, isn't Elwaro in business anymore? Is there a relationship?

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