webbo Startet 18.April.2022 Del på Facebook Startet 18.April.2022 so after bringing my new to me boat home from Gjeving to Sande early april im planning my first holiday with a friend to go in probably june. My plan is to go from Sande and straight to Verdens Ende and stop a day or two then head back to Østre Bolærne a day or two then im not sure where else yet, any suggestions? i dont want to go further south than verdens Ende but that is a place i do want to visit and the same with Østre Bolærne, maybe somewhere else with a nice harbour not to difficult to find a spot would be good. I have weather and sea levels im aware of and also where i can and cant fish as i plan on a bit of that too, maybe a place to anchor? that is something i have not done yet but i have an idea of how to do it safely, any ideas would be great :) Sitér dette innlegget Link to post
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