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Skifte display Raymarin 6001, passer nyere display?

Geir Frode

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Jeg har nettop overtatt en 2004 Bavaria 44 med autopilot, Raymarin ST6001 display. Standby knappen er defekt og selger skal skaffe nytt display. Passer nyere display, feks ST6002? 
Alternativt er det et nyere display som er kompatibelt?

Lurer samtidig på hvilken fjernkontroll som event også kunne passet? 


11 fot syken......... fra 27 fot til 16 fot

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It is extremely easy to swap out an ST6001 control head in 30 minutes or less. I could have done it in 15 if I wasn’t taking pictures or pausing to write down the autopilot configuration from the ST6001 head. That proved unnecessary as the autopilot configuration is stored in the S1G autopilot and need not be reconfigured in the p70. Configuration required only choosing US measurements, sailboat type, and skipping past the success message. Part of the swap being so easy, is that I just plugged this display into the original Seatalk wiring to the S1G autopilot. In total, the installation involved removing the existing display, lining up the new display, marking and drilling 4 holes, plugging into Seatalk (requires Seatalk adapter A06047 and 3 way block D244 purchased separately), screwing the display into the panel, and answering two configuration questions. Done.

As you might have guessed the displays are designed for NMEA-2000/STng networking. Using the i70 with plain old Seatalk is possible because of conversion capabilities built into the display and an extra signal lead in STng spur cable wiring.


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