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Hva betyr pipelyd Mariner 50 hk fra 96?


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Hei. Har akkurat kjøpt meg en Bever 470 med 3 sylindret Mariner 50 hk fra 96. Under første prøveturen idag så kom det pipelyd fra fjernkontrollen. Konstant lyd. Trykket nøkkelen inn. Da kom det en høyere pipelyd en kort stund så ga den seg. Lyden begynte igjen etter et kvarters kjøring. Det kommer kjølestråle fra motoren. jeg fylte ca 2 prosent olje på bensintanken før jeg startet den Iom at jeg ikke var sikker på om den innebygde oljetanken fungerte.

Er det noen som vet hva pipelyden indikerer?

<p>Båter: Glastron CVX 20 Sprint, Glastron CVX 16, Uttern S55

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Outboard Operation

1. Check oil level in oil tank.


2. A 50:1 gasoline/oil mixture must be used during break in or after extended storage.


3. Check warning horn operation.

Turning the key from the "off" to "on" position (engine not running) will momentarily trigger the warning horn. This alerts you the warning system is functional. If the warning horn does not sound or stays on when the key is in the "on" position, refer to oil injection system troubleshooting chart following to correct the problem. The oil injection warning sound is an intermittent "beep", "beep", "beep", etc. The overheat warning sound is a continuous "beep" .


Check Operation of the Oil Injection System (Engine Running)

1. Operate engine following the break-in procedure outlined in the Operation and Maintenance Manual.

If warning horn should sound and intermittent "beep", "beep", "beep" during operation, a problem may be occurring in the oil injection system. Refer to troubleshooting following.




Problem: Warning Horn Stays On When Ignition Key is Turned to “ON” Position (Engine Cold).


Possible Cause : Faulty Engine overheat sensor. If warning horn sounds a continuous “beep”, the engine overheat sensor may be faulty.


Corrective Action : Disconnect tan/blue overheat sensor lead at bullet connection. Turn ignition key to “ON” position. If horn stops sounding, the engine overheat sensor is faulty.


Faulty Warning Module = Check connections or replace module.




If the oil in the reservoir drops to less than 14.5 fl. oz. (435ml), the low oil sensor in the reservoir will signal the warning module to activate the warning horn with an intermittent beep.

If the powerhead temperature should exceed 300° F (65° C), the overheat temperature sensor in the water jacket cover will signal the warning module to activate the warning horn with a continuous beep .

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