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Feilkoder kad 300

Jakob T

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Har fått feilkode 2.2.Har nett skiftet turboer og givere til røykbegrenser.Etter endt prøvetur blei det skiftet dieselfilter.Motor vart starta med nesten fult filter,gikk på tomgang i 5 min før den stoppa.Feilkoden ligger i displayet,prøvd å legge den strømløs,men stoppkoden kommer igjen.Noken som veit å resette EVC

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Code 2.2 Injection pump A/B/C
Reason: Short circuit/open circuit in signal from control sleeve position sensor.

Reaction: The engine is stopped.


• Check connections on injection pump and control module.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the position sensor function (please refer to the “Electrical fault finding”



Position sensor (17)
The position sensor provides the control module with
information about the position of the control sleeve,
which corresponds to the amount of fuel which is currently
being injected.







KA(M)D44P-C and KA(M)D300-A
The fault code memory in the diagnostic function is
“erased” every time system voltage to the engine is
shut off.

NOTE! The system voltage must be completely cut
off. Stop the engine and check that the ignition key(s)
is(are) in position 0 in all control positions.
When system voltage is switched on again, the diagnostic
function checks to see whether there are any
faults in the EDC system. If this is the case, new fault
codes are set.

This means that:
1. Fault codes for malfunctions which have been attended
to or which have disappeared are automatically
erased by cutting off system voltage and
switching on again.
2. Fault codes for malfunctions which have not been
attended to must be acknowledged every time the
system voltage is switched on.




Håper noe av dette kan hjelpe deg på problemet videre


Mvh Tom Erik



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Etter ei hygglig samtale med Tom Erik,vart det diskutert forskjellige løysninger.Det vart foreslått å bytte EDC bokser,da dette er ein twin instalasjon,for å prøve å starte den med feil,for så å bytte tilbake for å sjå om feilkoden blei sletta.Motoren med feilkoden starta med den andre EDCn,men starta ikkje når den vart satt tilbake. Der ser ut som EDC boksen er defekt,å må skiftes .Dette er ein kostbar del,som det ikkje er mulig å reparere,er vel bare å bestille ny.Greit å få tips og hjelp gjennom dette forumet.og Bjordal og Madsen

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