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Hvilken funksjon har "canister"-delen i et fuel system? Yamaha.


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vil tippe det er for å eliminere såkalt vapor lock:




Carburetor units may not effectively deal with fuel vapor being delivered to the float chamber. Most designs incorporate a pressure balance duct linking the top of the float bowl with either the intake to the carburetor or the outside air. Even if the pump can handle vapor locks effectively, fuel vapor entering the float bowl has to be vented. If this is done via the intake system, the mixture is, in effect, enriched, creating a mixture control and pollution issue. If it is done by venting to the outside, the result is direct hydrocarbon pollution and an effective loss of fuel efficiency and possibly a fuel odor problem. For this reason, some fuel delivery systems allow fuel vapor to be returned to the fuel tank to be condensed back to the liquid phase, or using an active carbon filled canister where fuel vapor is absorbed. This is usually implemented by removing fuel vapor from the fuel line near the engine rather than from the float bowl. Such a system may also divert excess fuel pressure from the pump back to the tank.

Lurøy / Svalbard. Båter: Gromling 15/60 Yamaha / Wesling 490 m/80 Yamaha / Yamarin 5940 m/ F115 Yamaha / Achilles LS4 (RIP) Aquaquick MS265 West Commando 270 m/ 4hk Yamaha

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