MorganX Startet 3.Januar.2019 Del på Facebook Startet 3.Januar.2019 (redigert) Hei, jeg trenger noen deler til en Mercruiser Alpha one drev og Mercruiser motor, pleier å bruke Ravns garage, og AB marine. Skal bare ha en liten ting så tenkte jeg skulle slippe å bestille fra Ravns Garage da jeg betaler mere i frakt enn det delen koster... og AB marine har stengt frem til mandag. Er det noen som forhandler og reparerer Mercruiser i Asker, Bærum og Oslo vest? Redigert 3.Januar.2019 av MorganX (see edit history) Sitér dette innlegget Link to post
Shiny Svart 3.Januar.2019 Del på Facebook Svart 3.Januar.2019 Holmen Brygge Motor er forhandler Sitér dette innlegget Sjøblid og ubetinget positiv! Link to post
Tom Rør Svart 3.Januar.2019 Del på Facebook Svart 3.Januar.2019 Snarøen Båtservice ? Sitér dette innlegget Link to post
KongKing Svart 4.Januar.2019 Del på Facebook Svart 4.Januar.2019 (redigert) ABMarine i Leangbukta Http:// KK Redigert 4.Januar.2019 av KongKing (see edit history) Sitér dette innlegget Link to post
GeirFrode Svart 2.Mars.2023 Del på Facebook Svart 2.Mars.2023 Ikke veldig lokalt for Bærum, men legger det inn her allikevel. Får av og til en mail fra en som forhandler BMW Marine i Canada, da jeg handlet noen deler da jeg hadde BMW motorer i båten. Legger inn hele teksten her, samt linker. Det skal visst være noe deler til Volvo Penta å få kjøpt av firmaet i en av linkene også. V12 Engineering er forøvrig gode på å finne deler, samt få de sendt. De skaffet fort det jeg trengte. Sitat Marine Parts APPOINTED Fra Rich Langtry <> på den 2023-03-02 08:00 Detaljer Ren tekst In the fall of 2021, V12 Engineering AKA BMW Marine to the world, appointed Sweden Marine parts Ab as our second European Stocking Distributor. Their Home site is: Back in 2010, two young men of about 22 fired up an eBay On Line Marine Parts store. Their initial goal was to challenge Volvo-Penta in the marine engine parts business. And then there is the Finish Archipelago no one knows of. A hoard of islands stretching 350 miles from the South East tip of Finland over the near Stockholm Sweden [ Home of Volvo-Penta ]. Interestingly they still live in a remote and quiet unique place now raising raising their families. The Baltic is an inland sea hiding behind the Denmark peninsula, housed in by many nations including Denmark, Germany, Poland, the 3 little Lithuania Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden. Even the Russians have two toes in the Baltic; their Crown Jewel St. Petersburg is there in her Glory. Although the islands below to Finland, Swedish names and the Swedish Language prevail. Wisely their company now operates form not one but two warehouses, or as you Europeans call 'HALLS' in Finland and Sweden. As to buying BMW parts, the ground has moved. Marine Parts is primarily an On-Line business without a Retail Storefront, But that to is changing. They now have a firm foothold in the BMW marine parts market. Their inventory of parts for the BMW – Mercruiser Diesel Engines is now ' On the Shelf '. They have succeeded at getting over 500 different parts up on their website. The next 1000 parts are in process. Feel free to ask them and V12 Engineering which parts you would like to purchase. Working with Jonathan and Nicholas, parked on their Island Paradise, taking a small bite out of Volvo-Penta's huge market share is FUN. In addition to Volvo-Penta Sweden Marine Parts they also have inventory of: Yanmar, Yamaha and Mercury outboards, Mercury and Volvo-Penta Gasoline inboards, Volvo Diesel Parts They supply after market parts for most Volvo engines. They even manufacture parts that are obsolete NLA from Volvo. Volvo One Cylinder Head Here is the fuel pump for the D35 and D50 engines. The price is accurate! Buy a spare for onboard. D7 and D12 air filters are currently new stock arriving shortly. D7 & D12 Air Filter Sweden Marine Parts has been focused mostly on parts for the TB6 engines. This family includes the original BMW 3.6L up to and including the CMD Cummins/Mercruiser common rail engines. QSD 2.8L Upper Gasket Set Here is your contact information for Sweden Marine Parts. Their Business is ONLINE ordering. Build an account and order away. Sweden Marine Parts AB Gösvägen 20 Norrtälje, SWEDEN 761 41 Tel: + 46 70 318 4530 Sitér dette innlegget Link to post
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