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Mast climbing - Bergen


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Unless you are afraid of heights - those are tasks you can very well do on your own.


Have a strong friend haul you up on a halyard.


If so:

- Please, please make sure your halyards are in good condition and that you use a knot (not a pelican hook or similar) to attach to the harness.

- You can add the genua halyard for added security.

- Tie every tool you need to a piece of string. A wrench falling from the masthead is a nasty surprise for anyone standing below....

- Take a picture of your boat from the masthead! You won't regret it

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Angående pelikankrok: Dette bør understrekes enda en gang.

Vi har en venn som var oppe i masta en gang. De sikret båtmannsstolen med pelikankrok, siden de ikke var klar over at det var et problem.

Da han kom ned igjen og la fallet på dekk, gikk pelikankroken bokstavelig talt i oppløsning. Bolten ramlet ut og delene falt fra hverandre. Han ble litt lang i maska da han så hva som nettopp hadde holdt han oppe.

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I personally find mastclimbing scary as hell.. yet, i have done it from time to time. A good quality harness (I actually prefer real climbing gear rather than what you get in marine shops) is an absolute must. You’re talking about wireless wind transmitter, so i take it the mast isn’t much longer than 15m? Sometimes it’s possible to find a mast crane with steps, and do the work from there. Security protocol still applies though..

Jeg vet ikke hvorfor min båt lekker, men en dag kommer jeg til bunns i problemet!

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