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Marna H 5HK from 1950


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Hi all! Great forum!! Sorry to write in english, but I'm from Hamburg / Germany. Two years ago, I took my old "snekke" from Norway (Avik) to Hamburg for restauration. Woodwork is allmost done, now it's high time to get the engine back to work. It's a Marna H / 5HK from 1950. Most of the engine looks really fine after all these years and I ordered some new parts from Marna Motor in Mandal. My problem is the cylinder. The lower parts of the cooling was clogt and heavy corrosion created a hole of ca. 5 x 3 cms and destroyed the thread of the lower drainplug. It is maybe possible, to repair the thread, fit a patch over the hole, but allmost impossible to remove all the deposite in the cooling system. I'm looking for a used cylinder in good shape instead, to get the beauty back on duty. So, if somebody knows about a cylinder or a cplt. engine, please let me know!

I would really appreciate any help!

Best regards from Hamburg, John :flag_da:

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Mabye this could be something? http://www.finn.no/finn/boat/object?finnko...pos=2&tot=6


The only problem i think is that there are not so many norwegian that want to send down to Germany i will think but you may be lucky and find someone that wants to do this. If dont you must travel up here and get one. :lol:


Edit: And my english isn't the best :lol: :lol:

Redigert av Sleipner93 (see edit history)
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Hi, thanks for the tip with the annoncen at FINN båt- I allready sent out some e-mails.

The transport should be no bigger problem, I can take care of it. I'll be in Norge time by time (we spent our last summer holidays on Lofoten) and I have a friend living in Tönsberg.

So, again, I would really appreciate any help.

Regards from Hamburg, John :seeya:

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