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Galileo - europeisk satelittnavigasjonssystem


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Jeg lurer på hva man trenger av ny hardware/programoppdatering for å få tilgang til det europeiske satelittnavigasjonssystemet. Ser at spanjolene ønsket seg egen jordstasjon. Blir spennende å se om og når systemet blir en realitet.

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Så langt jeg har forstått - og det betyr i grunnen ingen ting - benytter i dag COSPAS/SARSAT nødpeilesystemet satelitter i polare og geostasjonære baner. Planene jeg har lest (husker ikke referanse - men skal søke litt) at det planlegges å utstyre både Galileo- og GPS-satellitter med utstyr for COSPAS/SARSAT systemet. Noe annet ville vel være ufornuftig?

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Ragnar Thorbjørnsen har en instruktiv artikkel om Cospas/Sarsat i Norsk Astronautisk Forening, se


Wikipedia har endel greie lenker til COSPAS/SARSAT her http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cospas-Sarsat

Det er mulig at denne siden http://www.cospas-sarsat.org/MainPages/indexEnglish.htm gir den mest detaljerte oversikten over COSPAS/SARSAT systemet. Her beskrives både 406MHz og 121,5MHz systemet. Akronymet (ordforkortelsen) COSPAS er russiske ord "Cosmicheskaya Sistyema Poiska Avariynich Sudov", som betyr: Space System for the Search of Vessels in Distress. Akronymet SARSAT står for Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking. Når det gjelder status for systemet i august 2007 er det noe informasjon her: http://www.cospas-sarsat.org/Status/statusSummary.htm

Her er en fin 20 siders beskrivelse av COSPAS/SARSAT: http://www.cospas-sarsat.org/DocumentsSyst.../SD32-DEC06.pdf

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Når det gjelder litt mer informasjon om det europeiske satelittnavigasjonssystemet Galileo er det noe norsk informasjon her på Wikipedia: http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_positioning_system

mens dette nok er en mer offisiell informasjonsside om systemet: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/energy_transport/g...eo/index_en.htm

Systemet er tiltenkt et atskillig bredere anvendelsesområde enn GPS. Bl.a. tenker man seg at det kan bistå blinde i navigasjon, se her http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/energy_transport/g...sability_en.htm videre fiskerinæringen, transportnæringen, fritidsaktiviteter og mye mer.

Når det gjelder forholdet til sikkerhet til sjøss siterer jeg:

Maritime Safety

Already today, satellite navigation is an essential part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). GALILEO will further improve the position accuracy and hence improve the search and rescue capabilities. Additionally, GALILEO's SAR service forsees a feedback channel to inform people in distress about the reception of the call and to transmit additional information.


The GALILEO signal including integrity data can be used as a position sensor in the Automatic Identification System (AIS). AIS in combination with an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) will increase safety by improving the situation awareness of all ships in the area. These functions are not only important for the open see or costal waters but also for inland waterways as radars can not look around river bends. The combination of ECDIS and GALILEO will allow for precise and reliable navigation in e.g. harbour entrances to avoid running aground.


Traffic flow can be optimised and the safety for all ships can be improved by using the very accurate positioning provided by GALILEO, integrity-checked and transmitted to a Vessel Traffic Service System. This is especially important on the new highways of the see where new high speed ferries operate at a much higher speed than conventional ships.


Manoeuvres of large vessels in harbours have to be carried out with highest precision to avoid damage to the ship and the harbour facilities. GALILEO with its high precise and robust signals on several frequencies is predestined for the use in such environment.


Her nevnes det bl.a. en kobling mellom Galileo og AIS - noe som kan bli viktig for oas med AIS sender ombord.

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  • 2 år senere...

Galileo satelitt navigasjon ble lovet våren 2010.

Noen som vet når dette skjer ?




...edit: kanskje det står her: http://www.esa.int/esaNA/index.html



European Commission announced that three of the five Galileo services will be provided as of early 2014: the Open Service, the Public Regulated Service and the Search And Rescue Service. The Safety-of-Life Service and the Commercial Service will be tested as of 2014 and will be provided as Galileo reaches full operational capability with the 30 satellites.

Redigert av sydspissen (see edit history)
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  • 1 år senere...



Galileo: Europe prepares for October launch

23 May 2011

ESA PR 16 2011 - The European Space Agency, Arianespace and the European Commission announced today that the launch of the first two satellites of Europe's global navigation satellite system is planned to take place on 20 October.


This will be the first of a series of Galileo satellite launches by Arianespace from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana.

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