zeyang Svart 4.November.2012 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 4.November.2012 Newsletter October 2012. Our big accomplishment this month was getting the winter bathroom constructed, insulated and piped - just in time for the first big freeze to hit the pipes in the summer bathroom. (Just in time to wash some dirty sea gypsies.) At the beginning of September, it was just a dark, drafty hole in the corner of the barn, and now it's a warm and bright room with heating, double-glazed windows, a fancy new shower... oh, and two couches, a worktable, a bookshelf and our sewing machine. We decided it was too big to just be a bathroom, so we made the other half into a winter living room. (If showering in the living room and hanging out in the bathroom sounds like a weird combination, just think of it as practice for living on the boat.) In boat news, the deck is on, the deckhouse is constructed and suspended precariously from the boatshed ceiling, and we've started on the sub-deck and the insulation inside the hull. There's a lot of infrastructure to go under the sub-deck - tanks for diesel and fresh water, a greywater holding tank under the shower, and 5.5 tons of lead ballast. Last week we cast another 600 kilograms of ballast in our evil-looking smoky wood-fired crucible - only 1.5 tons left to go! We've been doing a lot of farm work the last couple months - fall is always a busy season. We harvested those crops we planted back in May - onions, carrots, and 300 kilograms of potatoes! - plus lingonberries from the nearby forest which we made into jam. And getting ready for winter is a big job - cleaning up heaps of scrap wood, burning trash, raking hay, organizing the bee stuff, putting snow chains on the farm equipment, ghostriding the old tractor into the barn, and getting things stowed under roofs before they get lost under the snow until spring. We had our first big snowfall last night - about 15cm, and it looks like it's going to stick around. The official end of summer time on Saturday means the sun goes down around 4:30pm these days, but that just gives us more night hours to watch for northern lights. Tomorrow is Halloween, and we're going to celebrate by dressing up like boatbuilding farmworkers and stealing candy from passing children. Happy winter! Some pictures and movie from last month. This is our house band. a: Beware of moose on deck! b: Harvesting the carrot crop. c: Making jam from local lingonberries. d: Fishing in the local lake. e: Fall bonfire with guitar. f: Making Swedish pea soup for lunch. http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=252401&stc=1&d=1351626439 http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=252411&stc=1&d=1351626445 http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=252421&stc=1&d=1351626453 http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=252431&stc=1&d=1351626460 http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=252441&stc=1&d=1351626467 http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=252451&stc=1&d=1351626523 Love from Sailing the farm - a sea gypsy tribe of tomorrow. Link to post
zeyang Svart 30.Desember.2012 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 30.Desember.2012 Newsletter December 2012.Dear All,First of all, Mucho Gracias for all contribution this year - Thisdoesent goes just for those of you who have been flying, driving,peddaling, walking and swimming up here to lend a hand on the farm andthe shipbuilding - but it goes also to you who have send supportmails, commented on forums, asked to help sponsoring the project andmailed us. Without your support, we would never have come this far.We are now going into the last year of building the Seagypsy Boat #1and hopefully start sailing. Yes, i know some of you think she willsail only backwards, or even upside down, but sail she will.. .. :-)Together we have come a long way taking into consideration that mostof volunteers coming up here have never done any metalwork or evenfarmwork before, but they all share the same dream...To sum up for 2012. We have used more than 2 metric tonns of aluminiumthis year, welded hundreds and hundreds of meters of welding, consumeda few hundred kg of Argon gas, melted 5 tonns lead. Not to mentionbreathing way too much welding fumes and aluminium dust...On the farm, we have had lots and lots of volunteers who has been incharge of growing potatoes, sugar pees, carrots, berries and lots ofother stuff. They have got new friends and met old ones from prioryears.They have shared and learned, maybe eating too much porridge andwaffles, laughed, cried, made love (tough I really worked hard here tokeep those sneaky wwoffers in separate girls/guys barracks!!) :-) Somehave even taken step to marry! So in sum I think 2012 has been quite agood year.As we are nearing the end of this year (and not end of the world ihope!) I wish you all a peaceful 2013 with much joy and happiness forthe coming year and we up on the farm really look forward to meet newand old volunteers both here and out on the seven seas.Fair winds and smooth sailing fromSailing the farm - A Sea gypsy tribe of tomorrow.Zepicture: Boatshed in winter night.http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=289481&stc=1&d=1356891300 Link to post
zeyang Svart 17.Mars.2013 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 17.Mars.2013 Newsletter March 2013. .Dear Sea Gypsies,Spring is slowly coming our way, Its been maybe the coldest winter foras long as people can remember up here. Minus -30 for weeks out andweeks for january and february and even in march we have -20 degreesfor many days. But we dont complain (at least loudly!) the shed wasfilled to the brink with firewood and during evening and weekends timehave been spent reading about small pacific islands where the sunalways shine... Guess where to boat is sailing!Last two months have been spent doing foundry work (meltingaluminium). We are now making our own portholes and all small bits andpieces out of the all the scrap alloy we have floating around. Nextwould be to make a few dolphins for decoration :-)Anyway, enjoy the early spring folks! .. and if you want to join ourtribe please contact us!Pictures.a. making a sand-cast for a small porthole.b. Out enjoy the skiing in cold winter weather.c. a cake? Nope. Its called cores and used for foundry work! Its a miks of sand and linseed oil. Taste awful, but works good.d. welding small boxes and stuff together.e. Porthole production.http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=348001&stc=1&d=1363531570http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=348011&stc=1&d=1363531577http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=348021&stc=1&d=1363531582http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=348031&stc=1&d=1363531588http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_y-Gh6_YI Link to post
zeyang Svart 28.April.2013 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 28.April.2013 Newsletter April 2013.Dear Sea Gypsies,The potatoes are planted just a few days ago. Thats even earlier thanlast year. It a little risky since its still frostnights up here butthey are protected under a bed of soil so hopefully they wont freeze.Summer is coming very slowly. Still no leafs on the trees, but thesmall yellow flowers - coltsfoot (tussilago farfara) are starting toshow up along the roads. They are important pollen plants for the beesthis early in season (together with salix)Sailing the farm have 3 nice girls now (irish,zchech,french). 2 guys(swedish/english) who have been here the first part of april.We have mostly been working on casting portholes for the boat which ispretty timeconsuming. It means making molds, melting aluminium andthen shape the half-finished product in the lathe. The result looksreally good i must say.Even if not even close to being foundrymen/girls or machinists wemanage to get quite a professional result after some weeks of trialand error.Thats enough for now, If you fancy joining the seagypsy tribe - justdrop us a line.Love fromSailing the farmPictures.a. irish girl making sand-castles (sort of)b. inspecting the casting results.c. swedish sand-crab.d. unfinished and finished result. (with the help of a lathe)e. turning soil.a: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=380071&stc=1&d=1367131663b: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=380081&stc=1&d=1367131670c: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=380091&stc=1&d=1367131675d: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=380101&stc=1&d=1367131679e: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=380111&stc=1&d=1367131684 Link to post
zeyang Svart 1.Juni.2013 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 1.Juni.2013 Dear Sea GypsiesSummer is here, its more or less rain every day but the wwofers ordersun in the weekends so weather is always nice when we go hiking duringweekends, (not sure who they order it from though)We are now up to full speed on boat and the farm. Last week weplanted another field of rasperries, which will be give us lots andlots of rasperries in 2 years time. Then another field with potatoesand even more herbs of all different kind. Its getting interestingwhen the weed is coming up. It will be plenty of weeding soon.The bees are busy collecting honey, and flying all over. they seemspretty happy now after a quite cold may.The portholes are more or less finished - that was a long journey. Itsquite a few steps. The good thing: which casting and machining skillsthere is limit to what we can make in alloy. Plenty of blocks for theboat is already on the list..We are in the stage of insulating all over inside. Then make ready forthe wood deck and railings. The wood deck is not just to make the boatlook like a boat, but avoid burned feet on hot alloy deck in thetropics - besides since we are faking everything to look lke wood, sowhy not a proper wood-deck.Lots of sea gypsies are coming next months, both returning ones andnew ones, but we still have some space, so if you have any skills youthink could be useful - drop us a line!Pictures:a: sorting out weed in the rasperry field. Then we planted out somehundreds sq-meter more.b: metal girls at work moving heavy alloy-plates.c: casting stuff for the boat. We use sand to mould them.d: welding guy busy welding up ears on the portholes.e: dumpsterdiving. one night catch from the bin at the foodstore. Nowwe go every weekend to stack up on free fancy food.a: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=402921&stc=1&d=1370093474b: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=402931&stc=1&d=1370093482c: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=402941&stc=1&d=1370093489d: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=402951&stc=1&d=1370093497e: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=402961&stc=1&d=1370093504 Link to post
zeyang Svart 11.August.2013 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 11.August.2013 August 2013Dear Sea GypsiesIts been a busy summer up here. plenty of volunteers and plenty ofwork to be done. Our community is growing bigger and bigger and soonwe will take over the ocean.July has been a good one. 3-4 weeks with stable nice weather, evensome start to complain about too much sun... That was close to end upon the plank...Our 10 new chickens are all getting big now. We are still curious howmany of them are roosters - and will end up in the soup :-)The garden loook really good thanks to 2 girls who spend quite alot oftime weeding.. we got plenty of peas this year - all kinds and somereally tasty. I didnt know yellow peas could be sweet if you eat themraw. raspberries are soon ready to ripe and berry season are here insome weeks.The boat is really start to look like a proper boat. mostly allportholes are in. skylights and railing seems stong and seaworthy.there are quite a bit of woodworking to do inside, but we all lookforward to this.So in sum, we are doing quite a bit of progress and its still a coupleof month until the winter is back so things look pretty good keepingthe schedule.If you have an interest in joing our sea gypsy tribe dont hesitate to contact us.Love from Sailing the farm.Pictures: (courtsey ela/photograephin)a: weeding the potatoefieldb: queenbreedingc: picnic at the lake.d: welding stuff on the decke: travelling outdoor library (kind of)http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=447311&stc=1&d=1376214077http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=447321&stc=1&d=1376214095http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=447331&stc=1&d=1376214109http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=447341&stc=1&d=1376214121http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=447351&stc=1&d=1376214135 Link to post
zeyang Svart 15.September.2013 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 15.September.2013 September 2013Dear Sea GypsiesThe autumn is here soon, but its been quite mild to be septembersofar. It feels more like august... But we are not to be fooled soeasily... Winter is coming soon enough so we work hard to finish upall stuff before its getting too cold to work outside.We are more or less finished on the deck. The hatch is in, the rail ison (just need a little shaping) water intakes, and all bits and piecesare there. It start to look like more like a war machine forblood-thirsty vikings and not for a bunch of friendly sea gypsies.The naked oats (or rather half naked oats) are harvested, potatoes arestill in the soil but will be harvested soon. Our sugar peas are driedand harvested for the thursday peasoup and waffles, not exactly selfsufficient but we have at least for one thursday :-)Out of the 10 chickes we got, 1 was taken by a fox or something, 7 aremales (which in this case is lots of sound and and no use) and the 2last one will give us eggs. So in sum quite a bit of work and hardlymore eggs than we have today :-) But they are mighty fun to watch -Chicken-TV is addictive.Ok, thats all for this months from Sailing the Farm - a place wherecrazy dreams come true. If you are interested in joining, just drop usa line.Love from Sailing the farm.A sea gypsy tribe of tomorrow.Pictures:a: Boat seen from the bow.b: Lots of head scratching to get all the pieces togehter.c: Out swimming (yes, we are not always working)d: The noahs ark chickens waiting for the boat to finish.e: Dumpster dinner again.a:http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=493641&stc=1&d=1379162385b:http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=493651&stc=1&d=1379162393c:http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=493661&stc=1&d=1379162403d:http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=493671&stc=1&d=1379162411e:http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=493681&stc=1&d=1379162418 Link to post
zeyang Svart 1.November.2013 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 1.November.2013 November 2013Dear Sea GypsiesWhops. time is flying so fast and soon october was gone and nonewsletter sent out so here it comes a little late.Still no snow up here, which is just incredible. Should have been halfa meter by now.. but the good thing is: it feels like mid-europeclimate so why migrate to Spain when Spain is coming to us!Farming season is over, everything which was planted during summer isin the basement. We got around 300 kg of potatoes which will keep usgoing until spring. We have turned into professional dumpster-diversand find way too much food - so we are getting a little picky - Whatabout raspberries from Brazil? Its hard to believe so much food who isjust wasted. Someone should do something... ahh. enough politicalrambling..Boatbuilding is going really good. She is happy as a fiddle. Latleyshe got shiny bowrollers installed, (both forward and aft), tiller,and soon to come: bowsprit! We just have to cut down the tree.Everyday we see changes, and its a good sign... We are making the fatlady ready for the 7 seas. She will be the strongest boat ever sailingout there.Thats all for this late october newsletter, If you are interested inbecoming a seay gypsy, just drop us a line.Love from Sailing the farm.A sea gypsy tribe of tomorrow.Pictures: a: A little crowded on deck. Even the anchors are soon installed.b: Picnic and out looking for a bowsprit in the forest. (6 meter long)c: Hardcore welders in action.d: The sea-monster looking trough the portholee: Fancy dumpster lunch with sushi!a: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=526681&stc=1&d=1383332827b: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=526691&stc=1&d=1383332836c: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=526701&stc=1&d=1383332847d: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=526711&stc=1&d=1383332855e: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=526721&stc=1&d=1383332862 Link to post
zeyang Svart 26.Desember.2013 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 26.Desember.2013 December 2013Dear Sea GypsiesDecember again! This one has has been quite warm. (today is only -10C)We still have frostbites from the one last year so we are happy as afiddle up here. Makes life and boatworking much easier.Its been a really good year on sailing the farm with lots of stuffaccomplished and its still some more work weeks to go before we cansum up 2013.Deck fittings, deckhouse and most of the stuff up there isfinished. We are proud to say that everything is home-made. Not asingle thing is from the the boat-store.. Main reason for this is:its hard to get stuff in alloy who looks like wood..We have probably put another 2000-3000 hours into the boatproject thissummer (with the help of all of those nice and skillfull volunteers)and still some 2000-3000 hours to go until we see her finshed.This christmas will be a traditional one on the farm with St. Claus(Julenisse in norwegian) coming down from the northpole with thesledge, raindeers and ofcouse packets. I usually dont fancy softpackets, but im in dire need for a new welding overall so if thejulenisse reads this... :-)ok. I know its a little early early, but we wish new and old friendsof sailing-the-farm a peaceful and quiet christmas and a prosperiusnew year and hope to see you all up next year.Love from Sailing the farm.A sea gypsy tribe of tomorrow.Pictures: a: the boat start to look like a wooden boat now.b: shaping up the bowsprit. 6 meter longc: boat from stern. Sexy lines.d: welding up the bunkbeds.a: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=554741&stc=1&d=1386583072b: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=554751&stc=1&d=1386583080c: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=554761&stc=1&d=1386583088d: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=554771&stc=1&d=1386583097 Link to post
zeyang Svart 13.Februar.2014 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 13.Februar.2014 February 2014Dear Sea GypsiesThe winter has been kind to us this year. During Christmas and Newyear there was hardly any snow up here, which is kind of unusual at 60degrees north. January has been mostly down to -10C which is reallygood when we work outside. In January we got plenty of snow so skiingis as close to perfect as it is possible to get and we have plenty ofthose old and wooden army skiis around.(we use to call themNATO-planks) For first termers its perfect skiis. Slow and heavy.The Boat work is going pretty good . We are working on insulatinginside and we are more or less finished with the aft cabin (namedprincess cabin), since its getting really nice and spacious.We are soon ready to start insulate and plate the main cabin in theboat. Its a little more tricky due to the galley (kitchen for thoselandlubbers out there). and also the navigation station. Then its morecasting. Basically more cowl-vents to get more fresh air into theboat..We usually run with lower staff during winter but this year we willscale up in February and aim for getting the boat ready for sea-trialthis year. It will be a busy summer.So if you think you have some useful skills (welding, mechanics,sewing, interior wood working) or are really good at cracking jokesyou are more than welcome to join us. This is hopefully the last year of boat building (Ok, I know we havesaid that before but...) so hurry up if you want to be part of thefun. (Ok, I admit sailing is also fun) But it gives a good feelingknowing that you have been part of building something moving aroundour planet with zero pollution...Love from Sailing the farm.A sea gypsy tribe of tomorrow.Pictures: a: Plating and insulating inside the boatb: one of the crew made an icebar! How cool is that!c: the chicken-sisters is busy hatching golf-balls! Not the most clever sisters.d: Aft-deck with rudder, and boxes. With wooden deck this will look like a wood boat.a:http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=615091&stc=1&d=1391961044b:http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=615101&stc=1&d=1391961045c:http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=615111&stc=1&d=1391961049d:http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=615121&stc=1&d=1391961052 Link to post
zeyang Svart 6.Mai.2014 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 6.Mai.2014 April 2014Greetings to all sea gypsies, past present and future!The springchickens and bees are active and so are we!Anotherbusy month for boat building. The gang has been shaping,painting and fitting the interior panels with plenty of insulationunderneath. The bunk cabins are shaped and even one of the volunteershas tested one with an overnight sleep - very comfy! English Tony hasbeen busy designing the wiring and circuitry, and Frenchy has helpeddetermine the electrical needs and the outputs we can expect from thesolar panels and windmill. Will we be able to boil the kettle oftenenough at sea?Lorna, the English girl has been attacking with gusto and positiveenergy the mold-making for the cowl vents, and hopes to start smeltingand pouring some aluminium this week. Frenchy has calculated and drawnup the sail plan, and has made a 1/10 model to verify his design.Sarah the token yank is spoiled in the warm indoors sewing upcustom-sized boat mattresses, cushions and curtains. Are Czech girlssweet? When they've been covered in honey for 2 days like Micha theyare: 60 jars of lovely honey and we're happy to have some at everymeal! Jams as well, lingonberry, strawberry and plum, and some greatbanana cakes from Lorna as well.The weekend was warm spring weather and all volunteers descended uponthe spa and pool at the cloest town for an outing. Happy at work andat rest. There is still plenty to do in the coming months - have youthe skills to help? Woodworking, electrial and engine skills, sewingand more. We hope to hear from you!Love from Sailing the farm.A sea gypsy tribe of tomorrow.Pictures:1. American sewing-lady busy making stuff for the boat.2. Happy Frenchman and his sails3. Potato planting.4. Inventive cat-litter dance. (basically crush catlitter bentonite to cast the cowl vent) This will be the dance of the summer.a: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=712511&stc=1&d=1399400767b: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=712521&stc=1&d=1399400769c: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=712531&stc=1&d=1399400772d: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=712541&stc=1&d=1399400775 Link to post
Torsen67 Svart 6.Mai.2014 Link til dette innlegget Svart 6.Mai.2014 Denne båten ser jo helt rå ut. Hvordan finansieres dette prosjektet? Link to post
FjordHT Svart 8.Mai.2014 Link til dette innlegget Svart 8.Mai.2014 Mye går vell på tilnærmet gratis arbeidskraft ser det ut til. utstyr og materiell er jo en annen sak. Hadde vært gøy å høre fra de som styrer dette, er jo et vanvittig prosjekt :) Link to post
zeyang Svart 31.Mai.2014 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 31.Mai.2014 May 2014Greetings to all sea gypsies, past present and future!I hope you all had a beautiful May, with lots of sunshine and nosnow. Up on the farm, we are happy as fiddles. The weather is justperfect. it was snowing a little in the beginning of May but then itturned into summer and now we have those really nice warm days withsun until midnight..Farming News.The farming is going good. we have started with queen breeding whichwill give us a few more hives, then we have planted all kinds ofveggies in the garden and some in the small greenhouse. Now, therewill be lot of weeding until harvest time..Boat-News:We are working on blumbing and electricity inside the boat these days.Next step is getting the engine in then the sails. We might have tooutsource the sailmaking due to lack of time. so if you know aboutsome good sail-loft we would love to hear about it.BREAKING NEWS:A little early but... we are really pushing hard to sail south thisyear. hopefully around the same time those smart migrating birds areflying south. (finger crossed) So if you want to join us as CREW pleasecontact us.We will prioritize those of you who have been on the farm, buteveryone will get a chance to come sailing in the end No sailexperience required. We will teach you whatever skills you need. Andfor those of you who have never been out on the seven seas.. Enclosedis a picture of a pacific island waiting for you....We still have space for one more more sea-gypsy up on the farm thissummer , so if you have skills you might think we need, dont hesitateto contact us.Love from Sailing the farm.A sea gypsy tribe of tomorrow.Pictures:1. This small pacific is waiting for us all...2. Sail plan. Anyone into sail-making or know about a good sail-loft?3. Plating up the dog-house.4. Small greenhouse ready for summer. This is for sugar-peas.5. Happy welding lady fixing up some small stuff.1. http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=732971&stc=1&d=14015507582. http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=732981&stc=1&d=14015507603. http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=732991&stc=1&d=14015507634. http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=733001&stc=1&d=14015507655. http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=733011&stc=1&d=1401550767 Link to post
zeyang Svart 8.Juni.2014 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 8.Juni.2014 (redigert) Here is our sail-plan. Someone have a used gaff-rig sails for sale? Redigert 8.Juni.2014 av zeyang (see edit history) Link to post
zeyang Svart 21.Juni.2014 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 21.Juni.2014 June 2014Greetings to all sea gypsies out thereIts been a busy month up at the farm. The potatoes are slowly comingup. the bees are out flying and we even got ourselves some more queensthis year, but best of all, the weather has been really good. Days anddays of sun, which is more you can ask for so far north.We are also working hard on the boat to finish up and go south thisyear. The plating is finished, which was more or less a 2-3 monthswork. Next one is installing all electric stuff and continue getttingthe engine in. Getting the rigging in also have high priority now.As mentioned earlier our plan is to set sail for West Indies/Cuba atthe end of this year helping wwoofing/organic communities around theworld. So if you have skills in organic farming and love travel withzero carbon footprint, please contact us.We still have space up on the farm until the boat is finished so ifyou have farming or boatbuilding skills you think might be usefulplease contact us.Love fromSailing the FarmA sea gypsy tribe of tomorrow.Pics from last weeks of work.Pictures:a. Here is the sizes for the sails. If you have some spare sail laying around we can modify to fit then we would love to hear from you.b. Wall.. Sorry, bulkheads are coming upc. Machining some drainage to the bathroom.d. Crazy Aussie guy trying to get through the porthole.e.. Painting up the forward storage areaa: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=748831&stc=1&d=1403381754b: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=748841&stc=1&d=1403381765c: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=748851&stc=1&d=1403381766d: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=748861&stc=1&d=1403381767e: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=748871&stc=1&d=1403381769 Link to post
23 fot Svart 22.Juni.2014 Link til dette innlegget Svart 22.Juni.2014 Et megaprosjekt... Blir sikkert varmt i skrotten under sørlige breddegrader så tett som det er bygget.... Link to post
zeyang Svart 10.August.2014 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 10.August.2014 July 2014Greetings to all our fans, helpers and sea gypsies out there.July 2014 has been as busy as we expected. We have had people from allover the world to come help us with running the boat project forwardand plant and weed on the fields to get us self-sufficient infuture. We are still some way to go but we are getting there.On the boat side the biggest thing is that all the inner plating andinsulation are all finished up, the bathroom (wet-room) is plated andall watertanks are welded into position. Next big thing is to get theengine into the boat. We have to lift it up 3 meters and then 2 meterssideways. Its a little messy but we are working on this rightnow. Weight of the engine is around 500 kg so we need a hoist-system.The volunteers took some days off to hitch-hike to the west coast, andcame happily back home with pictures of fiords, and camping outside inthe mountains close to the glaciers. The summer has been extremelywarm one so contrary to what i was thinking that they will almostfreeze to death they got back to the farm sun-burned with a happysmile on their faces.During next weeks we will be harvesting what we have been plantingthis year and we will work on the engine and rigging, so if you haveany skills you might think be useful please feel free to contact us.We also looking for crew for sailing across the atlantic, headingtowards Cuba when the boat is finished so if you find that fancyplease contact us.Love fromSailing the FarmA sea gypsy tribe of tomorrow.Pics from last weeks of work.Pictures:a. volunteers are hitch-hiking to the westcoast. hippie-factor running high maybe?b. fixing up the aluminium canoe for weekend canoing in the lake.c english lady working on the hatch and water tanks.d. painting up the bulkheads. all in white.a: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=801471&stc=1&d=1407650159b: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=801481&stc=1&d=1407650162c: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=801491&stc=1&d=1407650163d: http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=801501&stc=1&d=1407650165 Link to post
zeyang Svart 23.September.2014 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 23.September.2014 August/September 2014Greetings to all our fans, helpers and sea gypsies out there.The autumn is here and with that comes harvest on sailing the farm. Wegot lots of raspberries this year which is partly stored in thefreezer and partly as jam. Then some hundred jars of raspberry-honeyfrom the bees and in the end we harvested the potatoes, so in sum: Yeswe are partly selfsufficient, but it might be a little boring eatingbaked potatoes with raspberries and honey every day during the winter.:-) But we are slowly getting there...We are also getting closer with the boat project. All stuff made offabric is finished, electricity (both AC and DC) is installed. Thereis still some more work to do on the engine before its ready to gointo the boat (basically split and rebuilt that iron beast)Then there is some deck work left, and then the last step is tearingdown the temporary boatshed to get ship the boat down to thesea. So still lots of work to do but its going forward.We wish you all a happy autumn whereever you are.Love fromSailing the FarmA sea gypsy tribe of tomorrow.Pics from last weeks of work.Pictures:a. 2 volunteers hitchiking up north to look for trolls.b: harvest honey from the bees.c. grinder work in the galleyd mattress for the aft cabine. volunteers out testing the flimsy canoe.http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=852731&stc=1&d=1411500396http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=852721&stc=1&d=1411500394http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=852711&stc=1&d=1411500391http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=852691&stc=1&d=1411500389http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=852681&stc=1&d=1411500387 Link to post
zeyang Svart 8.Mars.2015 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 8.Mars.2015 Newsletter March 2015. . Dear Sea Gypsies, First, apology for delayed newsletter. The winter has been a busy one and it hasn't been that much time to keep up with the Newsletter, but we must say we are superhappy to get so many postcards and hear from all of you volunteers who have been here..... To be Norway its been quite a mild winter, the good thing is that heating has been running minside the boat whole winter so we have hardly felt the cold outside - a good test to see if our heating system inside the boat is ready to stand up for sailing in Antarctica. The sun is starting to heat up the farm and us slowly, the last week we really can feel the spring is coming. Our chicken is happy outside during daytime and seems to enjoy the sun as much as we do. Our metal working skills and diesel engine skills (mostly lack of) has been put to a test. We are more or less been busy doing brainsurgery on our 500 kg spare diesel engine to check how it looks inside and learning how those are working. Those parts we think will stop working will be brought onboard, (spare waterpumps, piston rings, gaskets etc) It gives a good feeling to know how that machine is working and even if we are a sailors, one day we will be happy to be pushed up the Amazon river or other places with the help of that engine . The one we will use seems to seems to be ok (we have been testing diesel injectors, compressions etc on the farm) The good thing bringing such test-equipment means we can help other volunteer-farms whith diesel engine problems... Rigging the boat is also on the list, since we make mostly everything ourselves we will make our own woodblocks for the rig. Its a classical gaff-rig with around 105 m2 sails which will be our main propulsion. It will be quite interesting when we are doing the sea trail to see if its well balanced.. hopefully our calculation is correct and it wont sail upside down or backwards as someone is thinking.... If you want to join us sailing around the world or helping up on the farm please dont hesitate to contact us. Here are some pictures from last months pluss a nice ones from last summer/autumn which shows how real Norway looks like. (that is the westcoast) Lastly we wish you all a happy spring. Love from sailing the farm A seagypsy tribe of tomorrow. Pictures. a: The woofers hiking to troll-tunga summer 2014 (westcoast norway) b: Our engine. (sabb 2j) There is a video of it running on youtube. c: chickens on they way out to enjoy the spring sun. And plenty more pictures for the last years can be found here. https://instagram.com/sailingthefarm/ http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1032581&stc=1&d=1425815579 http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1032591&stc=1&d=1425815591 http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1032601&stc=1&d=1425815599 Link to post
Hakkannen Svart 23.Mars.2015 Link til dette innlegget Svart 23.Mars.2015 Fikk tips fra ohm om denne tråden, for et prosjekt! Er skikkelig imponert Link to post
Hakkannen Svart 23.Mars.2015 Link til dette innlegget Svart 23.Mars.2015 Skummet nettopp gjennom denne tråden (på engelsk) med mer bilder fra byggeprosessen og diverse utfordringer underveis. Blir bare mer og mer imponert over pågangsmot og ferdigheter! Anbefales for alle som har litt tid til å sette av for god og interessant lesing. Link to post
tb55 Svart 23.Mars.2015 Link til dette innlegget Svart 23.Mars.2015 Virkelig et prosjekt det står respekt av ! Alt er bygget opp fra grunn av, og virker skikkelig utført. Link to post
zeyang Svart 26.Mars.2015 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 26.Mars.2015 takk. dette er litt mer enn bygge båt. planen er å lære noe av dette. så vi støper og produserer alt selv. mer enn 300 frivillige involvert dessverre ingen norske. DYI koøyer. massive. Link to post
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