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I bruksanvisningen for min båt står det:


The Mizzen Staysail


The mizzen staysail is made of nylon and should be treated generally in the same way as the spinnaker.  It can only be effectively used with the wind way on the beam to nearly dead aft.  The tack pennant of 1" terylene and about 6 ft. long should be permanently attached to the tack of the sail and the sheet should be snapshackled to the sail clew.


1. Ensure main boom is held down firmly by boom vang.


2. Attach snatch block to aft end of mizzen boom for mizzen staysail sheet.


3. Attach tack pennant to weather mainmast capshroud chain plate, leaving the tack of the sail about 3 ft. above deck.


4. Pass sheet over main sheet and to leeward and outside of all mizzen rigging and through the sheet block to the lee cleat on the after deck.


5. The halliard should then be taken around the leeside of the main mast backstay and with the sheet cleated the sail may be hoisted until the luff is just clear of the main mast backstay.  Also see that the sail does not get snagged on the windscreen wiper.  The sail should be set as high as possible.


6. This sail must be lowered and the halliard and sheet released before tacking or gybing.


Far Out


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