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Navionics inngår avtale med NHS


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Endelig, nå blir det tilgang på siste digitale offisielle kartdata på plotteren.

Og gratis oppdatering for alle Navionics XL3 brukere. Jippi !!

Honnør til Belamarin !  :flag:


Får nå bare håpe Egnos også blir klart til neste sesong.  :yesnod:





Formal Agreement with Norwegian Hydrographic Service for S57 Data


Navionics and the Norwegian Hydrographic Service (NHS) recently finalized an agreement for the production of electronic marine charts in Navionics proprietary format using NHS S57 official digital chart data. This agreement was achieved thanks to the joint efforts of the Norwegian Hydrographic Service, Navionics and Belamarin.


The S57 data provided by the NHS is based on their most recent surveys and is the basis for the Norwegian paper chart production and updates. The use of S57 data, in conjunction with data from digitized paper charts where S57 is not available, provides the best quality data for Navionics cartography.


The new S57 Navionics Charts will be available from the beginning of 2005. Navionics will offer a free update of all existing Norwegian XL3 Charts for the purpose of navigation safety. Further details available from Navionics.


Navionics electronic charts are compatible with a growing list of today’s leading plotter manufacturers.




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Meget bra! Nye, oppdaterte kart til våren! Med oppgradert C120 plotter blir dette helt topp.


som trives best med Sommer, Sol og Sørland

"Seier venter den, som har alt i orden - held kalder man det. Nederlag er en absolutt følge for den, som har forsømt at ta de nødvendige forholdsregler i tide - uheld kaldes det" 

Roald Amundsen

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