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Garmin 420s for lite internminne


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Jeg har en Garmin GPS map 420s som jeg har problem med av og til. Sendt en e-post til Garmin men har ikke fått svar. Gjentar e-posten her.. På engelsk da.. Lurer på om noen har hatt lignende problemer?






Kopi av epost til Garmin support


I have a Garmin GPS 420s. When I use the "Guide To" feature and the destination is more than about 6 nautical miles away the unit cannot calculate the route due to insufficient memory. I get a "not enough memory" message. Can this be fixed? The SD card with the maps on is only a 1 GB card. Does the GPS unit utilize the SD cards free memory if available? Would copying the maps over to a 2GB or higher SD card help?




William Carr

Redigert av PiperBill (see edit history)

And always remember the wire should have a higher rating than the fuse as otherwise the wire becomes the fuse!

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