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iPhone , 3D Accel´mtr, 3-Axis Gyroscope, 3-axis electronic compass


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Siden det har vært sådd tvil om iPhone sin navigasjonskapasiteter oppretter jeg en post/tråd om dette emnet.






The M7's children; a 3-Axis Accelerometer, a 3-Axis Gyroscope and a Compass IC

The previously unknown MEMS devices that had us so interested when we first cracked open the iPhone 5s one with markings B361LP and another B329.

The first is a 3-Axis Accelerometer. Based upon the die markings observed in the 2mm x 2mm device, the first unknown MEMS device has been ID’d as a Bosch Sensortech BMA220 3-axis accelerometer. This is the first time in our experience looking at Apple products that we see a Bosch MEMS device included. Previously this has been a socket dominated exclusively by STMicroelectronics. Great socket win Bosch!

The second is a 3-Axis Gyroscope. This device with package markings B329 has been identified as an STMicroelectronics 3-axis gyroscope, as expected.

Holding the compass socket for another round is AKM’s AK8963 3-axis electronic compass IC. The AK8963 combines a magnetic sensors to detect X, Y, and Z axis, a sensor driving circuit, arithmetic circuit and signal amplifier chain.

Redigert av Bay_liner (see edit history)

Bayliner RuleZ .. det er bare (nesten) ingen som tør å si det..... :yesnod:

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  • ST’s “beating heart” single driving structure allows perfect control of the single driving frequency at which the movable mass is oscillating. Other solutions on the market, presenting different driving masses to implement multi-axis capability, lead to spurious noise coupling from one axis to the other, irremediably degrading gyroscope performance. ST’s innovative approach allows gyroscopes to provide very high resolution and stability, suitable for gaming and navigation applications. 

Redigert av Bay_liner (see edit history)

Bayliner RuleZ .. det er bare (nesten) ingen som tør å si det..... :yesnod:

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