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FRITIDSSKIPPER (D5L) course in English


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Hello guys,


I'm from Belgium and I just moved to Norway. I might work as a skipper in May and need a Fritidsskipper D5L license so I can be the co-captain and get my hours up.

My Norwegian is still very basic so I was wondering if somebody knows where I can follow this course in English somewhere close to Oslo?


Sorry for the English.

Thanks in advance!

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Jain skrev for 13 timer siden:


My Norwegian is still very basic so I was wondering if somebody knows where I can follow this course in English somewhere close to Oslo?



I am operating Baatskolen POSEIDON and I have the same question coming up from time to time, especially here in Stavanger with a considerable amount of foreigners.


The answer is always the same: to the best of my knowledge there is no approved school with D5L available in any other language than Norwegian. Neither do I know any suitable learning material that could be used for setting up such a course. To build it all from scratch would be too much work and cost.

Sorry that I can not give you a more positive answer.


Med vennlig hilsen POSEIDON

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That doesn't look too good for me.. :nonod:

I guess I will follow the course in Norwegian, in evening school.

This probably gives me more time to translate and study the material than intensive day courses. 


Thanks for the response!

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