TrikkerN Lønning Startet 21.Mai.2023 Del på Facebook Startet 21.Mai.2023 (redigert) Hei, Min svoger er på leting etter en billig motor og har kommet over en Yamaha v250 med 400-500t gange. Jeg har lite kjennskap til påhengsmotor større en 9.9 og må derfor ty til å spørre her. Har noen kjennskap/erfaring til disse?😊 Hvordan er tilgang til deler? Noe annet man bør være obs på? Redigert 21.Mai.2023 av TrikkerN Lønning (see edit history) Sitér dette innlegget Link to post
Teerex Svart 21.Mai.2023 Del på Facebook Svart 21.Mai.2023 (redigert) Måtte google litt der, injection 2-takter. Noe tørst.... men står mere i linken her: "The 2-stroke V6 OX66-based engines (150–250 hp) introduced in 1996 were the first Yamaha marine engines with an electronically-controlled fuel injection system. They were built by Sanshin Industries Co., Ltd. and destined for the U.S. market initially. The OX66 was the first Yamaha 2-stroke outboard engine with a fuel injection system, and it was also fitted with the world’s first practical oxygen sensor for a 2-stroke engine." "Sanshin Industries Co., Ltd. was established in 1960 as Yamaha Motor’s marine engine manufacturing subsidiary. Its main business was the development and manufacture of Yamaha-brand outboard motors and other engines. In 2003, the company’s name was changed to Yamaha Marine Co., Ltd. and in 2008, it was merged with Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd." Redigert 21.Mai.2023 av Teerex (see edit history) Sitér dette innlegget Windy 27 CC/HT -84. 4,2 D-tronic 250 HK -98. Bravo 3X 1,81 20P. 30 knop (under reparasjon) Navette S540 -10 med Mercury F115 2,1 liter -15, 8 HK Tohatsu 2-takt -03 BSA A65L Lightning -69, Triumph Street Twin 900 -16, Honda MSX 125 -15 BMW X5 30d -13, Jeep Grand Cherokee 3,1TD -00, Audi 100 GL5E -78 Link to post
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