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La oss skryte av Regina


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Jo, det kan nok være noe i det. Stemmer bra med mine observasjoner fra gjestehavner. :lol:

Men det skjønner jeg da. Har du nå først øst ut hundretusener på å kunne smykke deg med tittelen Regina-eier, så må det jo være forferdelig skuffende med alle disse som bare snakker om Bavaria og andre billigbåter de er så fornøyd med.


Hele investeringen er jo gjort å få oppmerksomhet. Da skjønner jeg godt at bitterheten sitter dypt når skryt og lange blikk uteblir, og mange går rundt og tror at Regina er navnet på et damebind!


Derfor et flott hjelpe-tiltak denne tråden :flag:

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Ikke alle er like heldige med reginaen sin




June 20th, 2007

Attention: Mr. Winfried Herrmann

Managing Director of Regina Yachtbau GmbH

97232 Giebelstadt


Dear Mr. Herrmann,

I seize this last possibility to contact the management of the Regina Yachtbau GmbH, since different e-mails addressed to your customer service remained unanswered, including one exactly one week ago directly addressed to Mr. Schurade.

I would like to briefly introduce myself – I am Austrian, graduated a HTL from the Technical Collage HTL in Vienna and worked for about 35 years in Japan as a freelance technical translator, where on April 1st 2005 I bought a REGINA 38 with the Hull Identification Number DE-BAVX38P6L404 used as demonstration boat by your Japanese Regina representative and importer [Nishi Nihon Yacht Systems - Mr. Matsumoto] as well as [Japan Marine Trading Co., Ltd. – Mrs. Ritsuko Himeno]. Still in the same year I reported by E-Mail to Regina about a fresh water leak, for which Regina had no explanation as stated in an e-mail received from your company.

In November 2005 I left Japan and sailed single handed from Fukuoka, Japan, via South Korea to Shanghai, where the anchor windlass was torn out of its foundation while weathering a storm off Shanghai, since the anchor windless was attached only with nuts and washers but without backing plates. I requested an explanation from Mr. Matsumoto and was told that the anchor windless was installed already in Germany.

My sailing trip continued along the Chinese coast to Hong Kong, where on lifting the boat out of the water it was revealed that the rudder had slipped out about 10 cm from its bearings and only by the flange of the autopilot and/or quadrant of the steering device resting on a bulkhead held it in place. In March 2006 I crossed I the South China Sea with a German friend on board, who is working in Tokyo, Japan, at a low and patent office, which acts also as the German and Austrian Embassies confidential lawyers, and sailed to Puerto Galera on the Philippines.

There a typhoon swept over Puerto Galera in May 2006 in my absence, after which again fresh-water leakage into the bilge occurred, whereby a black stinking brew formed in the bilge, so that another friend, Walter Herberger, taking care about my yacht during my absence, lost consciousness due to bad odor. After my return in June 2006 I removed then this stinking brew, whereby I had to throw up several times because of the stink. I collected 2 liters of that liquid and let it analyze in a laboratory. I sent the analysis report in August 2006 also to Regina, whereby I held the opinion at that time that perhaps sabotage was present, because the stinking brew contained 1.2 mg free cyanide per liter, for which I no other explanation at that time. But I did not receive any answer from Regina Yachtbau GmbH.

In January 2007 I hit a coral head with my yacht and suffered considerable damage. The Saildrive had broken off, that rudder shaft was strongly bent, the rudder blade was damaged beyond repair and a crack had developed unter the waterline near the bow. I had the yacht transferred from Puerto Galera to Subic, since a GRP yacht can be repaired only there or in Cebu on the Philippines. There Dipl. Ing. and Yacht Builder, Franz Urbanek, who had manufactured sailinmg dinghies back in Austria in earlier years, explained to me that this toxic brew was due to internal osmosis, which forms if fresh water comes in contact with not completely hardened polyester resin. A repair is impossible, since the insides of the two hull moulds are not accessible. I received the same explanation also at the Chemistry Laboratory for Plastics Engineering of the TGM Technical Collage in Vienna.

After I had the Antifouling removed, we found to my surprise eight holes under the waterline at the port side, which were apparently drilled in incorrect places and sealed only with putty. I myself remember that I read a set of rules requiring grinding and laminating if the hole diameter exceeds a certain size. And as we ground out the fiberglass around the crack in the underwater body of the hull, out a glass fiber mat fell out, which was never impregnated with polyester resin, also in the opinion of the judicial consultant Dipl. Ing. Richard Kuchar as well as by attorney Dr. Schneider recommended by the Yacht Insurance Company Pantaenius in Vienna.

I posted my blog provisionally without pictures on a forum of the British Yachting Magazine "Practical Boat Owner" and sent the same E-Mail also to Regina Yachtbau GmbH, from where however again no answer could be received. In this forum a British physician drew my attention to the fact that the chemical reactions causes vapors, which can attack the Central Nervous System and lead to long-term health risks. The fact that a chemical reaction with such poisonous vapors is possible was confirmed also at the Chemistry Laboratory for Plastics Engineering of the TGM Technical Collage in Vienna. This was then also the explanation for me feeling dizziness and nausea since the purchase of this yacht, which I could not explain myself previously.

Since the crack concerned the entire laminate, we had to grind the laminate down to the innermost layer. Only three glass fiber mats and three Roving cloths were present, which is extremely little for a yacht advertised as blue-water boot, according to the opinion of the court-appointed expert Dipl. Ing. Richard Kuchar (the hull should correspond to ISO 12215 part 1). Furthermore, I was requested by the court-appointed expert Dipl. Ing. Richard Kuchar as well as by the Insurance Company Pantaenius to check the Hull Identification Number, which should me laminated into the hull at the top of the transom’s starboard side. This is however not the case in my Regina 38, even if it is specified in the operating manual delivered with the yacht, because it is indicated on a plate, attached by two screws at the starboard quarter side under the Aluminum fairlead. And the Hull Identification Number, which, according to Dipl. Ing. Richard Kuchar, should be located at the inside of the hull at exactly the same place, is missing completely.

Could you please suggest how these problems may be solved? Since I am completely satisfied with the performance of my Regina 38 (average speed 6.2 knots from Fukuoka, Japan, via Shanghai, China, to Hong Kong during my solo trip with up to maximally 55 knots of wind), I would be willing to change to a somewhat larger yacht (42 or 46 Cruiser) and pay the difference extra, if the full price for the Regina 38 is taken into account and if the options of several tens of thousands of Euros installed in my Regina 38 will be transferred into the new yacht.

Yours sincerely, Bruno Hammerler

Sailing Ship FREIHEIT

Sailing yacht in transit


P.S.: As supplement to this letter I send you also the relevant photos and the letter addressed to my insurance company.

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Man kan godt skryte av sin Regina og prate drit om andre båter som ikke takler 30 meter med sjø over dekk. Hørte for resten om en 43 foter i Norge (dem er ikke mange her) som var ute i 20 sekund meter vind og hele taket på dekkhus var i færd med å blåse vekk. Den hadde sprekket opp over en og halv meter på den ene siden og ble takplata fortøyet på plassen sin til at båten skulle klara seg i den lille vinden der ute.

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Man kan godt skryte av sin Regina og prate drit om andre båter som ikke takler 30 meter med sjø over dekk. Hørte for resten om en 43 foter i Norge (dem er ikke mange her) som var ute i 20 sekund meter vind og hele taket på dekkhus var i færd med å blåse vekk.


Var det en Luffe 43DS?



Ser frem til den dagen Corona er en øl og Donald er en and!

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Hvorfor gå så voldsomt rundt grøten.

Bavaria er og blir noen elvetestede campingvogner med løse kjøler .

Bavariaeiere har ryggsekken, lommene og hodet fullt av komplekser.

Ahhhh . Det føltes godt. Det blir en god natt :)


Hallo, du må skryte litt av Regina også ! det holder ikke å bare rakke ned på Bavaria. Fortell oss hvordan båt du har, så kan vi skryte litt av den for deg !


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Regina , ser ut som å være soldie båter.

men jeg syns det er litt dyre ? Hmmmm


Eller er de ikke det :crazy:

Man får jo 3 stk Bavve 42 for prisen av en reg 43.




Hvorfor bruker noen så mye penger på en regina :rolleyes:

Når de kunne brukt mye mindre på f.eks. en bavve eller en beneteau, hanse, duf.. osv. :crazy:


Regina må være gode båter siden de er så dyre. :smash:

Det tror jeg også på.

Det eneste du vil angre på at du har gjort, er alt det du ikke gjorde. "Do it to day."

Medlem av: Ankerdrammens Venner. OCC,ESF,CMID, NFS & SYC.


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ser du har en Bavve 46, så det lå en slik inne i havna i Horten, og den hadde fått skikkelig vindskjerm montert,

Det syns jeg var flott på denne båten og passet fint in.

Noe for deg ?


eller så er Regina en fin båt. og jeg tror jeg skal forhandle meg frem til en prøvetur/seilas til våren med Lano.

Sånn at noen andre også kan vurdre dette underet :cheers:

er det greit Lano :seeya:

Redigert av careka (see edit history)

Det eneste du vil angre på at du har gjort, er alt det du ikke gjorde. "Do it to day."

Medlem av: Ankerdrammens Venner. OCC,ESF,CMID, NFS & SYC.


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