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Gamle Dampen

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Ser du nevner Redningsselskapets eskortetjeneste (konvoi). Dessverre er denne nedlagt og erstattet med skippermøter (http://www.batliv.com/wip4/detail.epl?id=1342184).

Uansett er kryssing av Stad en smal sak om været er bra. Vi har krysset Stad mange ganger, og stort sett har det vært blikkstille. Følg med på værvarselet, så går det fint. På nordsiden av Stad kan du stoppe i Sandshamn, en stor og fin havn. På sørsiden er Silda et fint stopp før Måløy. I 6-7 knop tar ikke turen mange timene. Redningsskøyta er uansett stasjonert i Måløy, så de er der på "no time" om det skulle være krise.


Slik var det sist vi gikk nordover rundt Stad....


Redigert av Steinsvik (see edit history)
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  • 1 måned senere...

I at last took the time to read the engine number, I was told by the old owner the engine was a 3.8liter BMC but in fact its a 2.5L I see that this engine was the type used in London Taxis and there are more spare parts :)) If anyone has a link on how to read a BMC Leyland engine numbers please let me know, for referance the number is 25P/788B/D 1160, I understand that the 25 is 2.5 liter, the P i dont know, the 788B I dont know, the D is diesel, 1160 is prolly the prod number.


I had a photo of the name plate on the gearbox and I shown it to the guy at Nogva in Søviknes and I found out its a PRM also known as Newage. He suspected a PRM 100.


This week I made a start on the filters and the impellor, the impellor is now been changed, and all the filters both fuel and engine oil have been changed.


I have found a link on utube on how to bleed the air from the fuel system and will make an attempt to start the engine after Easter!


I bought an 12vdc electrical oil pump to suck the old engine oil out and all the old oil is out, I have added flushing oil and a new filter, when I get the engine going again, I will warm up the flushing oil and replace that with new oil and replace the filter with a new one.


I will do the gear box oil at the same time, I also intend to use flushing oil there as well.


There is no access to clean the tank, according to the old owner it was new 5 years ago, is this a worry? I suppose I can use a hole saw and get access that way to clean it, and if i do that i can add a fuel level indicator but i dont need another job on my list this year. Its a plastic tank under the floor.


Again thanks for any advice and if anyone wants to use Norwegian please do, I can speak and read norwegian very well but I cannot write it.


Mvh Neal

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  • 1 måned senere...

Again thanks for any advice and if anyone wants to use Norwegian please do, I can speak and read norwegian very well but I cannot write it.


I gonna do a little article called "doing the name plate for my boat."


During last summer I looked around the båthavn where my boat was docked for different ideas for "name plates" some were like plastic decals, others were fresed out in wood, others were just painted on the hull, I couldn't find anything I liked, and one day I drove by a workshop that specialised in cutting sheet metal by using high pressure water jets, so I thought shiney stainless steel on a wooden plate. :)


I went back to the water jet place and asked what price they wanted for my project, and got a shock for the 3 plates would only cost 600kr. I bought the teak plate from Biltema for about 350kr.


The teak plate was cut to size and when I placed the shiney stainless over the light coloured teak there was not enough contrast, so I bought a tube of red oil paint from Clas Ohlson, the kind that artists use on canvas, I mixed it with turpentine and brushed it on and yukk!! it was post box red coloured, I went back to Clas O and bought red ochre and tried that instead, I used from the tube the amount you would put on a tooth brush and about 2 (whiskey) shots of turpentine.




It was looking good, I let it dry over night, and varnished it 3-4 times.




I then screwed it on the darkened teak plate with round headed stainless steel screws




I also had number plates made for the side of the boat, these I "just" screwed on with stainless steel screws.




I will post a picture of the name plate next time.


Mvh Neal

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  • 4 uker senere...

I arrived Fjørtoft Monday 07.07.14 I had agreed with the Tor the Man that we could set out my boat, all went well, though extra pumps had to be taken into use as this old wooden boat needs to "trutne". I used the rest of the evening and most of the night on Pump Duty.



Safe in Fjørtoft Båthavna. The weather is fine and the hour is late, I have to introduce you to the newest crew member she is called Stella "Woofa" Wooferson she gives everyone a good woofin when she sees or hears them :))


She seems to like her lifejacket, though its tad warm for her in the sunshine. After a few hours pump watch we got some sleep and the next day we did some packing and yesterday we started out. First we had to cross the Reef at Lepsøy where many boats have met their grave.


The crossing went fine in sunny weather, we sang "good day sunshine" by The Beatles as we sailed, we even got a visit by the Coastal Steamer "Richard With" a ship that I did some electrical drawings for.


I looked for a marina using a Redingselskaps map. I have posted the site address earlier in this thread.

We went into Store Kalvøy Båthavn last evening, The setting is beautiful but the marina needs more facilitys, no rubbish bins and no wash hand basin in the toilet, yuck... I fired up my new grill


And after both Stella and I had eaten we went to watch the end of the World Cup football match between Holland and Argentina, where we taken good care of by the folk in the pub up the hill. I dont always have a good WiFi connection but I will send as often as I can.....

Regards Neal

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  • 4 måneder senere...

Somewhat late, but better late than never. I have had problems with my Laptop and I have "lost" a lot of pictures from my camera, these pictures are from my phone,gopro and netbrett...


10th July 1014 glorious sunshine. no wind.


I left Store Kalvøy Båthavn heading west through the narrow straits of Nørvesund towards the Bunkers diesel filling station near Nørvevika Sailboat Marina, where my wife was waiting, I filled the tank 70 liters and headed south-east towards Vegsund, Fliseholmen and onwards towards Vartdalsfjord, where we spent the night.


11th July 2014 glorious sunshine. little wind.


We left Vartdalsfjord heading south west towards Eiksundbrua and into the nicest fjord, heading towards Borgarøya (just outside of Ulsteinvika) we had a tremedious evening there tied up at Borgarøya, grilling on the lawn and talking some local lads who were out for the evening. I wish you could have seen the pictures (sighs)


12th July 2014 glorious sunshine (seeing any pattern here?). little wind.

We sailed into the well equiped småbåthavn in Ulsteinvik



We have a grandchild who lives here and he has a summer job working in a coffee bar, so we met and had lunch with him.. Afterwards my wife and Stella Wolfersen (the dog) took the bus and ferry back to Spjelkavik, I am gonna take the route over Stad and decided they were better of safe at home.

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  • 7 måneder senere...

Friday June 26 2015


Status up to now!


A new season and Gamle Dampen was left in a boat house in Avaldsnes south of Haugesund from September until June 2015, I have been outfitting for the new season and have serviced the  filters, changed oils and impellor etc and have changed an oil heat exchanger for the gear box that was creating problems (majones) I have also built a rope/anchor/fender box, done the usual scraping and bunnsmøring and lacquering. I left Avalsnes ABR center (which I can recommend in the highest, what  a friendly gang :)) and am now spending the weekend in the tranquillity of Hamnarholmen friluftsrådets pearl of a place.


I will take some photos and put them out tomorrow.

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Avdalsnes church from about 1250, You can see the old (1900) Pilot cutter called Skudenes at the end of the pier.




Gamle Dampen being launched. Avdalsnes 25th june 2015




Waving goodbye to the gang on quay. Thanks again guys.

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going under the narrow bridge at Røyksund south of Haugesund on my way to Hamnarholmen



Rounding the corner, ready for docking Hamnarholmen.




nice and quiet before the first weekend of the summer holidays, this place is a very nice place well done all the volunteers and to the Friluftsrådet.

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Fint å se det er liv i tråden din!

 Når jeg ser tilbake til de første innleggene i tråden, så har du sannelig fått båten fin. 


Fortell om planene dine! Har du pensjonert deg enda? Er du på vei sørover? Å gå fra Avaldsnes til røyksund vil vel si at du går nordover, så hvor er du på vei?

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Yes I am now a pensioner, and have been since Easter last year, I travelled from Ålesund to Skudneshavn last year where I was met with a hurricane "Berta" I was beforehand warned and I was moored in Skutneshavn, I went out many times but the weather was too bad, I was advised to come back and travel the jorney south in the period end of June and the beginning of July, I instead did a successful tour of Ryfylke staying for about 3 weeks. During the first days of my tour last year my Laptop was damaged and I was unable to keep everyone upto date. I am still heading to Canal Du Midi :)

Apparently there are two Royksund one a you say south of Bergen, and this one south of Haugesund



Yesterday I was in Tananger, its a very cosy place and the facilitys are excellent, only problem there are very few boat places near the WC etc I counted 4.



Tananger 29th June 2015 photo taken ca 22.30 in the evening.



On my way out of Tananger, with about 7 hours sailing over another reef this time the Jærenrev, again I was blessed with good weather, just like when I crossed Lefsøyrev and Stadt etc. I found a new App called Kystvær and another called Bolgevarsler both have limited uses but everything helps :)



A very nice picture of some summer cottages in the innseiling to Egersund, if they built a pub there I would move house to there :)

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I left Egersund with fine weather,I am heading south, I got caught in windy weather and had to seek shelter in a small fishing cove called Nålaugviga, its ref number is 39 in the Havnaguide, its a pretty little place but no WC, or water etc..



these guys came and begged some food while I ate breakfast yesterday morning.


I waited until after lunch for the wind to die down and started the trusty BMC engine and cruised in the sea mist to Sogndalstrand, I cannot pay the harbour fees here! because the new betalingsautomat is not yet working...


I woke up to sea mist again even thicker this time, I have been out and taken a couple of photos of Sogndalstrand in the mist.





 While I was in Egersund I met up with a member of this forum (it was nice talking to you, and thanks) and he gave me a list of places to call in on my way south, my next port of call, is 34 Kirkehamn on Hidra, I will move later if the sea mist gets better.

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07.07.2015 Tuesday


I took 1 last picture of GD in Songdalstrand before we moved to Kirkehavn, the weather was forecast very misty with visiblity down to 500meters, I went very slowly but fortunately I didn't see any other boats, I got a fine birth in Kirkehavn by a café called Isbua (recommended) and docked GD there. I have stayed two days again because of bad weather. I am gonna move today to Rasvåg today, before the weather changes again for the worst.



A nice picture of GD in Sogndalstrand



Photo taken in Kirkehavn, I am wondering what those posts are for in the water..



A very small summer cottage in Kirkehavn.


I have taken a film with my mobile its unfortunately upside down, so I will not upload it just yet. I am looking for a PC prog that will rotate it.

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I left Kirkehavn in fine weather and took the Hidra channel, its both narrow and shallow, but very beautiful, its a shame it started raining, which spoiled most of the photos I took.





In a bit wider and deeper water, as you can imagine you cannot take pictures in tight spots, you just don't get the time!!


The same day I arrived at Rasvåg, and I met a Polish family who wanted to know where they could hire a boat, I told them there is nowhere as far as I knew, maybe try looking on the internet, in the end I felt sorry for them and took them a trip around the bay, showing them the fair village of Rasvåg, I hope this act of friendship gets added to my karma....


The day after I made my way to Torsøy, a free harbour about 15 minutes away from Flekkefjord, I berthed in the cove at the back, by the service rooms,




for some reason this picture has rotated,

Anyway I took a walk up the hill at back of the island and took this picture of GD from up there.


I left the next day for Flekkefjord, weather was sunny but blowing, I rang the guy in Listaeid to meet me Saturday to transport GD over Listaeid. I got my bicycle from the roof of GD and did some exploring in Flekkefjord specially round the old Dutch quarter of the town.



A view of the other boats in Flekkefjord harbour.

I waited two days here for the wind to die down there where gale warnings etc.

I left this morning towards Listaeid and the tractorman

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  • 2 uker senere...

Listaeid and the tractorman.


I left Flekkefjord while it was drizzling and a little bit misty, I entered the fjord and noticed on the charts that the way to the ramp was very, very shallow, I managed both of these shallows :)


I was met by the Tractorman at the ramp, the weather was clearing up by the minute still a bit rainy but clear most of the time.






The GD waiting by the Ramp




All 8 tons and 30 foot on the Tractormanns wagon,


Sorry about the pictures rotation ay tips?


The next is the film I took with my mobile telephone its not edited.




I am heading towards Spangereid canal,

Redigert av Gamle Dampen (see edit history)
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Before we get to the Spangereid canal I wanna tell you about 4 glorious days I had on my own in the little lagoon called Børøykilen number 8 in Havnguide 3. I arrived in misty weather and found the place I wanted from the book, I was all alone not a soul here :)) I had 3 lovely summer nights here. The last night spent with a lovely single handed sail boat "captain" who sailed direct here from Denmark, we shared a few beers around the camp fire, a good time was had by both, the only reason I left was because I had no more drinking water. :(



I spent all day reading in the sun, this is surely an old Viking or bronze age site?



Perfect place for a tent.....



Just a home made "gapahuk" shelter from the rain, though the weather did change and I got two lovely days of sunshine in what has been to now a terrible summer.

Redigert av Gamle Dampen (see edit history)
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I have really behind on this now so I will do a few places at a time.


I arrived in Spangeried on the 14th of July and because I needed fresh water and a shower I stayed and used the facilitys, I have a solar shower bag but I like my water hotter and more of it, I tried adding hot water from the kettle but something about the flow, I will check out another type and see if I can get a better flow.



A nice old working boat with two sailing masts in Spangereid Harbour


Next was Mandal, there a was a visiting summer Fair with the usual walzers and dodgems



A photo of the beach (while leaving Mandal)


Next I stayed at Trynes Marina (221 in the Havneboka), I had a very nice time there, there were lots of famileys in cabins on the waterfront, everyone was friendly and the weather was good and sunny, I don't have any photos.



Next day I moved and cruised to Paradise (Paradisholmene 206 in the Havnebok 3)

From there I took a bus into Kristiansand and made a Biltema visit. Again No Photos were taken arg..


I left Paradice after two nights and sailed to Korsvik marina (187) I was gonna go to KS but the Tall Ships was in town and I was not tempted.


From Korsik I went to the Nile (Nilen 166 in HG 3)


I went in to the lagoon at Nilen and looked, but the quay was taken and as I have never done fastening to bolts by the rock walls I was on my way out, I always thought that it would be too difficult alone to find a safe place and then the problem of the ropes etc. Anyway I saw a sail boat tie up in the channel in front of me with a place enough behind so I took the chance and the guy on land took my rope and literally taught me what to etc, I stayed for 3 nights in the Nile fine weather but a tad too windy.



GD tied up to a rock face for the first time, notice the fenders literally float in the water.

Redigert av Gamle Dampen (see edit history)
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  • 10 måneder senere...

2016-June 26th


Gamle Dampen is launched again for this year, we find ourselves in the Telemarkskanal system, I had some uploadifying problems so I cannot post any pictures yet, but I reckon the guys will fix it soon. I am making my way out of the canal now. I was as far as Akker Haugen and Ulefoss, these canals are magnificent, the only downside is the prices of the locks, ca 600 nok per sluse, my opinion it should be free hehe think of all the vistitors they would get then, being so near to Oslo.


I will post some pictures soon.

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