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Volvo ms4a transmission using oil


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Hello again everyone.  I just recently found out (just this season) that my port side transmission in my 89 P35 is using oil.  I have topped it up twice already this season and cant see a leak anywhere.  Anyone experienced this before?  I certainly hope this isn't the end of my transmission!!



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Well I've made a decision. I'm going to remove the Ms4a transmission this fall and have it rebuilt over the winter. I've found an 'oldtimer' that is looking for a winter project. 


Has as anyone ever removed one of these from a princess 35? Any tips or hints to make this job easier?

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  • 1 month later...

Hello again everyone!  


Im having a little trouble removing the MS4 transmission from my P35. I've removed the exhaust hose to gain access (port side) and have removed the bolts between the drive shaft connector and the flex coupling. I was hoping that with everything removed,  I could slide the unbolted shaft rearward just enough to give me clearance, but the shaft won't budge!


The shaft spins rather freely so I dont think the packing is too tight and hindering removal.  I've also located/removed the two set screws in the shaft supporting strut.... Stil nothing.


Am I missing something??


Any assistance would be appreciated.





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I guess the picture is taken before you tryed to slide the shaft  ( all the bolts between gearbox flange an flex coupler still in place)
It can be a little bit tricky . Have you tryed  to bend with  a  big screwdriver or similar, between the gear flange the flex coupler?
Maby you need to move the shaft  by hand at the same time.

Edited by SoBo (see edit history)
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Yes that pic was taken a little earlier (I have been taking pics regularly along the way as I want to do a post of the project once completed).  


Anyway, I've attached another pic with some descriptions on what I've done so far.  I've only removed the bolts between the steel coupling hub and the flex discs.  My thinking was that if the coupling was free of the flex disc connector, that the shaft/hub assembly should slide back and the transmission along with the flex connection would come out.  I thought this approach would also allow me to avoid dismantling the connection between the flex discs and the MS4A.  I'm not sure this makes a difference but wanted to outline it.  I couldn't see anything within the flex discs that would hinder movement, but visibility isn't perfect.


I also tried to gently wedge a large flat-head screwdriver between the steel coupling and the flex disc to pry the shaft assembly rearward.  I can get the wedge in, but the shaft won't move backward.  In fact, when i remove the wedge, the shaft assembly snaps right back into place. This is making me think that there is some sort of connection system inside the flex disc assembly and that I have to remove all bolts (regardless of which side they are on).


Thoughts?  Suggestions??



MS4A removal.jpg

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With a a little penetrating oil and some help from a large flat head screwdriver, I was able to get the shaft to move.  I also needed to remove the bolts on the driveshaft packing gland.  Once this was done and the shaft was oulled as far aft as possible, I was able to gain enough clearance for the MS4 YK clear. 


Once I removed the MS4 it became clear that the primary leak was around the rear main seal because there was a significant amount of oil in the bottom of the bell housing. 


Ive mopped up that gear oil and have now delivered the transmission for rebuilt. 


Will post more as it's rebuilt and reinstalled. 






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  • 2 months later...

Quick update.... I've gone over the entire transmission to find out what the issue was that caused the rear seal to start leaking (apart from sheer age). What I found was that a bolt holding the output shaft in place had backed off (see part #55 in attached schematic). 


Once that bolt had backed off, two things occurred.... It became increasingly difficult to hold the transmission in reverse.  In addition, the backing off of the bolt created som 'play' in the shaft.  That play eventually caused the rear seal to fail and gear oil to make its way back into the bell housing.


Volvo suggested that I replace the bolt as they can stretch over time.  They also suggested that I closely inspect the cone shaped wash (part # 54) for any damage, replace accordingly ... and loc-title the bolt in place.  Ive ordered the $35 bolt (yikes) but held off on the $85 washer (holy yikes) until I can take a closer look at things. 


Too cold to reinstall the unit now.... Will have to wait until spring and will repost something then.


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