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SSANZ Round North Island Race 2011 - Leg 3

Half way through our race around New Zealand's N Island! Are you ready for Leg 3??!! NOR here. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: NI Circuit/Week/SYC.


Race start: Jan 02nd 02:00 UTC (Klokken 03:00 i natt).

Race status: Practice sailing. Race starts 02/01-02.00UTC. Currently 0 boats registered.

Registration Open!

The old don't have to worry about avoiding temptation. When you're old temptation avoids you.

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CC 184 ut av Wellington. Etter en time setter du til CC 118 og lar det stå til utover. Resten blir som å ta drops fra seilere. Og så kan vi sove hele natta :cheers_wine:


Med DC selvfølgelig

Redigert av Jawik (see edit history)

The old don't have to worry about avoiding temptation. When you're old temptation avoids you.

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Hei Erato.

Har i grunnen ikke tenkt på dette, men jeg opplever av å få melding via Facebook fra Joanne / RainbowChaser om race som starter. På Forum under Races er det en slik "melder" (andre linje helt øverst). Markere denne at du ønsker mail så skjer det, men ikke glem mail adressen under din side.

The old don't have to worry about avoiding temptation. When you're old temptation avoids you.

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SSANZ Round North Island Race 2011 - Leg 3


Ser nå at det ble liten tid å forberede seg for denne leggen da starten ble annonsert i seneste laget - 5 timer før start. Ble vist bare oanilse og jeg som kom oss avgårde til rett tid. Delay command kan brukes til det meste :thumbsup: og med rett kurs på cc og påfølgende twa kunne jeg holde meg borte i over 14 timer. Ser bra ut for meg foreløpig så jeg klager ikke :giggle:



SSANZ er en regatta som går i virkeligheten og SOL er med som en del av dette. Derfor den korte tiden på starten.

Redigert av Jawik (see edit history)

The old don't have to worry about avoiding temptation. When you're old temptation avoids you.

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SSANZ Round North Island Race 2011 - Leg 4


Into the home straight (OK so its not straight!) from Napier back to Auckland! Let's go!! NOR here. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: NI Circuit/Week/SYC. ***PLEASE NOTE THAT THE START TIME MAY BE DELAYED TO SYNCH WITH THE REAL RACE***


Race start: Mar 06th 01:00 UTC (Klokken 02:00 LT)

Race status: Practice sailing. Race starts 06/03-01.00UTC. Currently 6 boats registered.

Registration Open!



The old don't have to worry about avoiding temptation. When you're old temptation avoids you.

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Det gikk jo bra for dere :tongue:



SSANZ Round North Island Race 2011 - Leg 4


Endring på start tidspunktet.


Race start: Mar 06th 21:00 UTC (Klokken 22:00 LT)

The old don't have to worry about avoiding temptation. When you're old temptation avoids you.

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Suedsee Rund

Second time lucky!! Lets race 170nm round the waters off Denmark and Germany in our X-332s - SOLer Tazumaki will be our travelguide whenever he can!! NOR here. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC


Race start: Mar 12th 19:00

Race status: Suedsee Rund, racing with 262 boats.

Registration Open!


Beklager - denne er startet.

The old don't have to worry about avoiding temptation. When you're old temptation avoids you.

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Great Lakes Sprint 2011

What do big catamarans and the Great Lakes mean? A whole bunch of fun US-style. Race from Port Huron to Chicago - first one there gets the deep dish pizza!!! NOR here. WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045. RANKING: Week/SYC


Race start: Mar 17th 17:00 UTC (18:00 LT)

Race status: Practice sailing. Race starts 17/03-17.00UTC. Currently 1 boats registered.

Registration Open!

Redigert av Jawik (see edit history)

The old don't have to worry about avoiding temptation. When you're old temptation avoids you.

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  • 2 uker senere...

SOL'S IMOCA Global Challenge 2011 - Leg 6


The last hop from The Straits of Gibraltar to Barcelona is a mere bagatelle compared with what we have just accomplished! BUT places may yet still be lost or gained!! NOR here. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/IMOCA60/SYC


Race start: Mar 29th 18:00

Race status: Practice sailing. Race starts 29/03-18.00 UTC. (Klokken 20:00 LT) Currently 195 boats registered.

Registration Open!

The old don't have to worry about avoiding temptation. When you're old temptation avoids you.

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  • 1 måned senere...

Scandinavian Tour 1 - Finland


Jepsom invites you to the first of three legs in the "three-different-boats competition" he has designed for SOL. This is a 631nm race in cold water in small but fast Farr 30s. We sail - hopefully without ice!! - from Hamina, south-east Finland all the way up to Kemi close to the Swedish border. NOR here. WX UPDATES: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: Week/SYC/ScanTour


Race start: May 13th 09:00 LT 11:00

Race status: Practice sailing. Race starts 13/05-09.00UTC. Currently 362 boats registered.

The old don't have to worry about avoiding temptation. When you're old temptation avoids you.

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noen ide om hvorfor det er så mange som ligge langt langt ute i dette løpet allerede? starten e jo ikke gått enda..


Når man melder seg opp, så kan man begynne å seile hvor man vil med en gang (uten at det har noe å si). En time før start blir alle båtene flyttet til startpunktet :smiley:

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  • 4 uker senere...

IMSYC 2011


The yearly 1500nm "choose the boat" race. This year from Barcelona to Brest. The Bay of Biscay awaits!! NOR here. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC.


Race start: Jun 07th 18:00 (20:00 LT)

Race status: Practice sailing. Race starts 07/06-18.00UTC. Currently 296 boats registered.

Registration Open!

The old don't have to worry about avoiding temptation. When you're old temptation avoids you.

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  • 4 uker senere...

In 2011, the Tall Ships will race between Waterford, Greenock, Lerwick, Stavanger and Halmstad. Lerwick is the welcoming city after the "cruise in company" leg and the starting port for the Second race to Stavanger.


The Tall Ships Races 2011 - Waterford to Greenock


This is the first of four events in The Tall Ships Races 2011 and takes us from Waterford, Ireland to Greenock, Scotland. Race #388 NOR here. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: SYC


Race start: Jul 03rd 14:00 (16:00 LT)

Race status: Practice sailing. Race starts 03/07-14.00UTC. Currently 12 boats registered.

Registration Open!


Vær oppmerksom på at det er 5 klasser å velge mellom. Class A stor(som Sørlande), Class A liten(som Stadsråd Lehmkhul), Class B, C og D. Her finner du mere info over klassene.


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Redigert av Jawik (see edit history)

The old don't have to worry about avoiding temptation. When you're old temptation avoids you.

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