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I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,

And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,

And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,

And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking.

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  • 1 måned senere...
  • 1 måned senere...
  • 3 uker senere...

Spent last week working on welding up the boat inside. its a little tricky but goes forward slowly. Maybe manage to weld up 1/4 of the inside sofar. Im working alone now due to easter holiday coming up,so itts a little more slow.


by the way. that lamp is a optimus/petromax. Its hardly use any kerosene and gives light similar to 350 candles. Will be the future of lighting up the boat. Extremely clever system.





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  • 1 måned senere...

Hi Friends,

here are some updates from sailing the farm collective.


Had a canadian girl here last 2 weeks. actually she planned to stay only one week due to her grad-courses but unfortunately she got stranded for another

week due to the volcanic ash stuff coming from iceland, so luckily for me at least we got more work finished up. Spent most of the last 2 weeks brushing

and welding up the boat inside. That was indeed a boring step, but from now on,its more fun work coming up - like putting in frames, interor, sailsewing, deck



More people are coming up here in may/june and august, but we still have space

available so if you are interested in joining, please drop me a line. (PS: no work in July due to holiday)





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  • 1 måned senere...

hi friends

here is a short update from sailing the farm collective in middle of june.


The summer is here now at last and bees are busy collecting delicious honey.

Plan with bees is to expand hives so we are spending some time doing queen

breeding. its a little more tricky than it seems at first glance, but cool to



Then we have planted herbs in the garden and hopefully we will get a lot of

healthy vegetables by end of summer.


And then the most important news!! Boatbuilding goes happily forward. We are

working hard welding in frames into the hull. and after a lot of fiddeling we

are now down to bending one frame in 3 hours!! thats pretty fast when we spend

more than a day with the first one. Next step is deck and then interior and

sail-sewing. (mostly whole august on this step)


Then, we wish you all a happy summer. If you are interested in joining we have

space for august and onwards,



fair winds and happy summer.




sailing-the-farm collective!









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  • 4 uker senere...

Dear Friends.



Sailing the farm tribe - Mid July 2010.


At last, the frames are bend into the boat and soon finished welded

up. That was one long and tedious work but now we are soon moving on

to a much more exiting stuff - laying down the deck and start work on

the interior - then also start to sew up the sails for the boat.


There have been quite a response from last time and august is pretty

much filled up with people coming up to help on boatbuilding and

farming. Somehow the romantic touch of roaming the seven seas as a

wannabe seagypsy seems to attract much more people than we ever

dreamed of, so hopefully in future we will have more boats built and a

real seafaring community. At least that is my wet dream!


Then some farming stuff. The grey cat got 4 kittens some weeks ago,

some very adorable small kittens. One is looking curious at the

boatbuilding. Queen-breeding goes forward as planned. I think we will

manage to more than double amount of hives this year - that is pretty

good. It would not have been possible without help from a swedish

boatbuilding girl which seems to fall in love with queenbreeding

despite quite a few bee-stings during summer. :-)


We have some beds free for september and onwards, so if you are

interesting in joining this uber-cool sea-gypsy tribe project, feel

free to contact us!



Peace and love from





Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse







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Det er ikke så mange seilbåtfolk på dette forumet, og svært få langturseilere. Du kan heller prøve å presentere prosjektet på forumet "Sorgenfri", hvor det fleste langturseilere holder til, også de som har ambisjoner og lyst på en langtur. Lykke til.

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Men selvsagt synes sikkert mange det er kjekt å følge med på byggingen . Etter min helt personlige smak, så er det liksom litt mer stas med en "bygget" båt, enn en standar tuppervare :yesnod:


Så lykke til videre, og legg for all del i mange bilder ! :cheers_wine:

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  • 4 uker senere...

Sailing the farm tribe - Mid august 2010.


Dear Friends.


Its been a busy august. 9 happy boatbuilding girls and guys have been

here during august and it has been quite busy. We have done quite a

lot of work on the boatproject and have been workingon important but

tedious small stuff like watertanks, coolingtank etc.


We are also working on finding ecovillages on different continent

which we will be a part of the plan when the journey begins. In short

we will sail between ecovillages and change crew and stock up with

food to reach other ecovillages on different continents. if you know

about some ecovillages close to sea which could be interested in

participate please inform us.


But we will try to be as selfsufficient as possible onboard and will

test a small scale hydrophonic solution to grow vegetables while

sailing with as little water usage as possible. Not easy on a boat but

hopefully manage to get some fresh food... (getting enough water is

always problem on a boat)


Then some farm news: We are expanding the garden to grow more tasty

vegetables next year. Even if the fall is coming soon we will try to

grow some more fast growing salads until snow is coming. Our extremely

slow growing tomatoes will be moved indoors and continue with help of

growlamp in our greenhouse. Bees are doing good and we have already

processed some delicous honey from this year. (pure organic stuff)


We have some space for late september and onwards if you are

interested in joining this cool sea-gypsy project. Just drop us a line.



Peace and love from



Then some pictures. (we are not always working, one picture is a bunch

of happy boatbuilding guys after swimming in the brrr cold lake)










Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse

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  • 2 uker senere...

Sailing the farm tribe - Week 34 2010.


Dear Friends.


Late august 2010. 6-7 people from europe and south america has been

here last weeks and we suddenly start to feel that summer is soon

over. It has been raining almost every day last week but thankfully

the boatbuilding shed is waterproof.


We are now working on painting the barn and fixing the roof. Not easy

when its 15 meter to the top, but with an expert english scaffold girl

this part goes forward fast. Our small garden is soon ready for

harvest and we have some blue and rasperry raids into the forest so we

will hopefully not run out of jam for the next month or so.


Last week the girls found out that a real boat should have a real

galleon figure and since one of them are an metal artist she think it

would be nice to cast it in aluminium. One of the other girls act as a

model. Sofar it looks nice in plaster, and we look forward to see how

real it will be in aluminium. That blue plaster stuff is amazing.


Thanks to everyone who sent us tips for eco villages. Hopefully some

will be interested in our journey and maybe even want to participate

in our sea gypsy project.


We have some space for late september and onwards if you are

interested in joining this cool sea-gypsy project. Just drop us a line.


Peace and love from



Pictures from last week: James and Jane Bond with license to screw,

Miss plasterface (Our female galleon model) and our metal artist

posing outside the boat.










Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse

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  • 2 uker senere...

Sailing the farm tribe - Week 36 2010.


Dear Friends.


Early september 2010. Summer is for sure over. We have had the first

day with below 0 degrees now and harvest is around the corner. We

have had people from UK, Argentina, Australia(!), US, Germany, Spain

and Sweden here last days.




The bees will be fed sugar next week, so for sure they know that the

summer is over, and we have been picking/harvest lots and lots of

berries and some hunded kilo of organic broccoli. Any tips how to eat

broccoli in different ways is very welcome. Cooked, baked, raw.. you

name it - we will try it!


We are still working on the painting the barn/fixing the roof and will

continue this for the next weeks, also expand the garden for next year

harvest and will try different kind of seeds which is planted in




Boatbuilding news.


The gallion figure goes forward as normal. This is not an easy

task. Problem is more about how to make it look natural and still

protected below the bowsprit without beeing crushed in some harbour.

Since its so close to the winter season we prioritize harvest and

painting but will be back to more welding and boatbuilding by early



If you want to join our cool sea gypsy tribe, please contact us.


Pictures from last weeks:


Watching the stars. The gallion figure with head and body. Jumping of

the straw-bale and how many can sit on a strawbale-contest 2010.


Peace and love from

Sailing-the-farm tribe.








Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse

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