Ask Svart 26.Mars.2015 Link til dette innlegget Svart 26.Mars.2015 Hei Imponerande prosjekt! Sabb er svært gode motorar, men eg trur at motoren blir for liten for båten dykkar. Spesielt opp Amazonas, eller andre stadar med motstraum eller motvind. Høyr med Asch her på formumet. Han hadde Sabb 18-22 hk (trur eg) i ei skøyta på 37 fot. Ask Link to post
zeyang Svart 26.Mars.2015 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 26.Mars.2015 nå kjenner jeg ikke så godt strømforholdene i Amazonas men søk opp colvins båt gazelle. han hadde en 22 hk Sabb. gazelle er omtrent samme vektklasse. om vi sliter for vi vurdere en jolle foran med påhenger som blir tug-boat :) Link to post
Ask Svart 26.Mars.2015 Link til dette innlegget Svart 26.Mars.2015 Hei Mitt førre innlegg var tenkt som eit velmeint råd, og eg går ikkje inn i ein diskusjon om kva de skal gjera. Båten du viser til har vel ca. eit deplasement på 12 tonn. Sabben på youtubelinken ser ut som ein tosylindra 18-22 for meg, men den kan vera større for det eg veit. Eg trur de blir flinke til å segla:-) God tur. Ask Link to post
zeyang Svart 26.Mars.2015 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 26.Mars.2015 trodde gazelle var er kanskje noe undermotorusert men Sabb 2j er der største de lagde av disse motorene. de der lister motorene er en dårligere kvalitet. vi tar det igjen i større seil :) Link to post
zeyang Svart 26.Mars.2015 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 26.Mars.2015 2j = 30hk Link to post
zeyang Svart 5.Mai.2015 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 5.Mai.2015 Dear old and new volunteers,There are lots of very exciting things happening at Sailing the Farm rightnow.We are happy to report that after many long and character-building years ofboat-building, we're well on our way to sailing later this year.Here's an overview of what's been happening up here lately:- Our aluminum Colin Archer sailboat is taking shape. She is starting tolook like a boat, and a good looking boat at that. She is as yet unnamedand suggestions that we call her The Unsinkable have fallen on deaf ears(to the disappointment of our Irish volunteer). Any and all namingsuggestions welcome!- We have begun to machine sheaves for the boat. Our red sails arrive soonso it's all go, go, go in the workshop these days.- The heads is progressing quickly and soon it will be possible to take ashower on board. Our Belgian volunteer has fashioned fancy toothbrushholders for all future sea gypsies.- Last week we cut open a section of the boat shed so that we can move theengine on board. This will be a huge milestone for the project.- In April, we had our first official government visit. We are happy toreport that she passed with flying colours.- Our volunteers have started watching movies on deck every Thursday night.Their 'Movies on Board' programme is limited to sailing movies (of course).They've watched '180 degrees south' and 'All is Lost' so far. Both comestamped with The Sailing the Farm seal of approval. If you've any sailingmovie recommendations, please send them on to us!- Some of our current volunteers/gluttons for punishment are training forthe Lillehammer half-marathon in June. At the moment they are getting up at6:30 to run in the woods before tucking into a breakfast of hearty porridgeand a day of boat-building. Some even manage to fit in a spot of meditationbefore breakfast.- The snow has thawed and we have started to turn the potato field. Ourbathroom has been transformed into a temporary nursery while we wait tostart planting. Our very versatile bathroom is also home to seven chirpybaby chickens!Our long-serving captain's To-Do-List is diminishing every week, butthere's a lot of hard work still to do. We'd love to welcome morevolunteers (old and new) this summer. A can-do attitude and lots ofenthusiasm are the only skills we require (though more specific skills arevery welcome also). So if you are free and can commit to a month, pleaseget in contact with us ASAP so that we can book you in to help.There will be a launch party in Oslo later on this year when she takes tothe water. Watch this space!Love,Sailing the Farm.p.s. Now that we're almost there with this boat, we're starting to thinkabout the next stage of the project (we plan to find a farm base away fromthe Polar winds – somewhere sunnier and closer to the sea where we canbuild more boats). We are on the lookout for funding ideas and inspirationso if you have any suggestions or experience in this area, please let usknow - no ideas too small or crazy (building a boat with volunteers iscrazy already!).Picturesa: English girl making blocks for the boat.b: movie night on the boatc: irish girl silicone up inside the boat.d: scaffold buildinge: early morning mediation (hong-kong girl)f: first crew is already onboard. Link to post
zeyang Svart 15.Juni.2015 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 15.Juni.2015 May/June 2015Ahoy Sea Gypsies!It has been a busy May and start of June on the farm.Biggest news first: The red sails have arrived! You'll see them in thepicture below. They look fantastic and it's a great help to see them alllaid out so that we can imagine ourselves on the high seas (instead of onhigh grass as they are now).We are also happy to report that we managed to get the engine on board! Atthe moment we are in the process of getting it *into* the boat and allhooked up.More news:– We had a bit of an unexpected delay late last month as we had to refitthe diesel tanks, but they are all good now and it's full steam (or shouldwe say 'sails'?) ahead for Oslo this September we hope.– We also had a close shave with our welding machine. Our last one appearedto give up the ghost, until an emergency transplant (from another deadwelding machine) got it up and running again. Our skipper's vision ofheaven is a world with nothing but brand new welding machines that neverbreak down.– Life on the farm continues apace. Since we last wrote to you, theNorwegian countryside has exploded into summer. The snow is finally goneand everything is green and dappled with wildflowers. The bees are veryhappy. Our baby chickens are babies no longer. They are big and bold andgetting braver by the day. Every morning they expand their wanderings alittle further and yesterday we spotted one looking curiously at the bigaluminum monster in the boat-shed. We'll make boat-builders of them yet.– There is drama in the hen-house. Our two roosters, who have been at peacefor over a year, have just declared war on each other.– The volunteers are keeping very busy in the sunshine. At the moment wehave an Irish woman, an English woman, a Belgian man, a Welshman and aSwede in residence on the farm. A full crew at the moment - but we stillhave some space for July and August so get in touch if you've a free monthand you'd like to help out.– It doesn't get dark until at least midnight now, and even then it's justfor a few short hours. More light to build boats in :)Thank you for your suggestions for sailing movies and boat names. We havethem all lined up on our summer schedule. In the meantime we've watchedMutiny on the Bounty (the one with Anthony Hopkins and Mel Gibson) andTroll Hunter (not a sailing movie, but a Norwegian one, so it's beenapproved on that basis by the captain).Happy almost mid-summer from Sailing the Farm!Pictures:a: happy gang of boatbuilders.b: sails are ready.c: welding ladyd: playing guitar in pyjamas.e: the girls dragging the engine onboard.a : Link to post
zeyang Svart 2.August.2015 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 2.August.2015 Newsletter late July 2015Dear allThe bees are busy and so are we. We're hoping to move the boat to thewater this year so it's all go, go, go our boat-building farm thesedays. The engine has made it to its final resting place!Hallelujah. Hopefully we won't have to use it all that much, but itsinstallation marks a big step in the project.The rudder is taking shape and looking fantastic thanks to our Welshvolunteer, Our Hong Kong volunteer has returned for anotherboat-building stint, this time with her Swedish boyfriend in tow – achef by profession so as well as contributing to the boat-building,he's been keeping us well-fed with delicious lunches on the porch.The farm itself has been neglected a little this summer in favour ofthe great big aluminum monster in the boat-shed, but we have beenenjoying lots of nettle-based dishes (it helps to have a professionalchef around!).The volunteers took a well-deserved break from boat-building lastmonth and went on a road-trip to Galdhopiggen, the highest peak inScandinavia. The sun shone for the entire trip (and pretty much hasn'tbeen seen since) and left some of the fairer-skinned crew completelysunburned. Highlights included an ice cave, a moose sighting andunbelievable sunsets across the huge Norwegian sky.Now that the sea is in our sights, we've started hand-painting guestflags on the evenings and weekends.Our latest favourite sailing movie is the questionable masterpiecethat is Waterworld. It's given us lots of ideas for modifications forour boat.We've named the boat! Thank you all for your suggestions. After a lotof thought we decided to go for Sailing the Farm. It sounds a littlebonkers to native English speakers, but that's kind of why we love it!We've cut out the letters in aluminium and they are due to be weldedin very soon.We are still on the hunt for volunteers - particularly those withsailing experience - and especially those who've worked on gaff rigsbefore.Exciting times, and even more exciting times to come. Thank you allfor your support, it's been a long time coming, but the end is insight!Pictures of the month.- Making letters for the boat.- chinese weekend visit. checking the boat project.- Welding lady making more boxes for the deck. Need endless amount of storage.- Guest flag production. This is the welsh one.- Rudder is getting installed. from Sailing the Farm- A seagypsy tribe of Link to post
Torsen67 Svart 4.August.2015 Link til dette innlegget Svart 4.August.2015 Tar av meg hatten for dette prosjektet! Hadde jeg vært 20 år yngre og turt å si opp jobben så hadde jeg hivd meg på. Må være ett minne for livet:-) Link to post
Framtia Svart 23.September.2015 Link til dette innlegget Svart 23.September.2015 Framtia på AIS Seiling - den dyreste måten å reise gratis.... Link to post
Lazyjack Svart 23.September.2015 Link til dette innlegget Svart 23.September.2015 (redigert) Merkelig, jeg har alltid trodd at denne gjengen bygget sin båt og drev sitt landbruk langt borte i utlandet et sted. Så viser det seg at det er på Toten det hele skjer! Da blir det jo betydelig mer interessant å følge med på :-) Redigert 23.September.2015 av Lazyjack (see edit history) Link to post
Hulda Svart 23.September.2015 Link til dette innlegget Svart 23.September.2015 Jeg har vel hatt en mistanke om at dette er nokså lokalt. Men jeg trodde det skjedde nokså nær saltvannet, ikke langt inne på bondelandet. Håper at sjøsettingen blir annonsert. Kunne tenkt meg å bivånet, om det passer slik. Med bil. Hulda ligger for langt unna til at det kan bli en rimelig dagstur. Regner jeg med. Link to post
zeyang Svart 10.Oktober.2015 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 10.Oktober.2015 Sailing the Farm late september 2015Hi everyone!Another productive month and our boat hopefully soon to be in water.Farm news:The bee-seeason is finished for this year, each hive have got around20 kg, so now they are ready to have their well-deserved winterholiday for next 7 months. The potatoes is still in the soil, but wewill harvest them pretty soon.Boat News.Still some days delays with the shipment of the boat to Oslo.The engine is ready to start soon. we just need a little work with thedry exhaust. Else it looks really good.All welding work outside the hull is finished. We will paint theunderwater part of the boat with expoxy primer this week. Then startto tear down the boatshed. Soon our metal-lady will see the sun forthe first time.We still look for potential crew for the first leg of sailing,especially if you have good knowledge of gaff-rig adjustment andsailing, we would love to hear from you. Also look for some lastminute volunters to help clean up the farm for the winter. Pleasecontact us if you have some spare time in october.Pictures of the month:a: Flagmaking lady working on even more guestflags. Still a little work until we have them all.b: engine is in and wired up. Just need some work on the exhaust part before its ready to push us up Amazon river and beyond.c: welding lady at work.d: making wooden box for binocular.e: welding up the locking mechanism of the main-hatch from Sailing the farm Link to post
zeyang Svart 10.Oktober.2015 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 10.Oktober.2015 Launch date and more info will be sent out to our mailinglist. Plus our monthly newsletter. If you guys type in your email there, you will get more info Link to post
zeyang Svart 6.November.2015 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 6.November.2015 we are floating! Link to post
Hakkannen Svart 6.November.2015 Link til dette innlegget Svart 6.November.2015 Fantastic work Link to post
zeyang Svart 7.November.2015 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 7.November.2015 (redigert) Redigert 7.November.2015 av zeyang (see edit history) Link to post
Framtia Svart 13.November.2015 Link til dette innlegget Svart 13.November.2015 Framtia på AIS Seiling - den dyreste måten å reise gratis.... Link to post
zeyang Svart 24.November.2015 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 24.November.2015 featured in NRK Norge Rundt 27 November Link to post
zeyang Svart 13.Juni.2016 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 13.Juni.2016 (redigert) sunset Redigert 13.Juni.2016 av zeyang (see edit history) Link to post
Torsen67 Svart 13.Juni.2016 Link til dette innlegget Svart 13.Juni.2016 Se der ja! Hvor står farkosten? Denne kunne jeg tenkt meg å se. Link to post
zeyang Svart 18.Juni.2016 Emnestarter Link til dette innlegget Svart 18.Juni.2016 malmoya. boomsprit. Link to post
Tampeservice Svart 19.Juni.2016 Link til dette innlegget Svart 19.Juni.2016 Når skal dere til Kina da? Link to post
Stiffler Svart 19.Juni.2016 Link til dette innlegget Svart 19.Juni.2016 Is that turnbuckle stainless or mild steel? Looks like it is not stainless, and if so, you have a mixture of aluminium and steel there which is not ideal (galvenic corrosion). Link to post
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