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Prosjekt Canal du Midi or bust

Gamle Dampen

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Translated from English using google translator.


2 år siden hadde jeg en kanalbåt ferie i Sør-Frankrike, dette var en av de beste ferien jeg noensinne har hatt. En av kveldene møtte jeg en hollender som hadde kjøpt en 15-16 fots daycruiser i Amsterdam, montert han på det en 8hk påhengsmotor og seilt hele veien til Canal du Midi.


Dette satte meg på et prosjekt for å ta en snekka til Canal du Midi og bo der for sommeren.


I stormen av 1992 her i Ålesund, naustet i der jeg hadde mine 24 Skorgenes snekke ble sprengt i biter og takbjelken kom ned og knuste båten min, jeg hadde mye moro i den båten, men jeg vet at båt av denne størrelsen ville være litt for liten til å tilbringe sommeren på kanalen.


Så for noen uker siden kjøpte jeg en 30 fot 3,15 m bred skjønnhet av en båt. Det krever som alle trebåter mye skraping og pussing. Hovedsakelig få dekkene og taket tilbake til standard, motoren er litt rusten på utsiden og trenger litt arbeid men jeg er flink med hendene mine, (elektriker) så med litt hjelp fra dere jeg tror det vil gå bra.


I morgen hvis været er bedre, skal jeg begynne å lage nye seter på bakenden av båten og senere lage en bord. Jeg vil prøver og ta noen bilder og legge dem ut her.


Regards Neal

Redigert av Gamle Dampen (see edit history)
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Translated from English using google translator,


Jeg var nede på båten i går, tenkte jeg at jeg ville sjekke ut hvorfor motoren starter så dårlig. Jeg tok ut mine fastnøkler og begynte å koble fra ledningen på en av glødepluggene. Opps ledningen kontakten skruen brøt tvert av :nonod:


Jeg klarte å skru glødeplggen ut ok, og har kjøpt 2 av 4 nye, leste jeg et sted om karbon buildups og boring dem ut fra gløddeplugg hullet, kan noen gi meg råd og tips? fordi jeg tror jeg vil gjøre det imorgen


Regards Neal


PS I can read Norwegian ok.

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Jeg har brukt trykkimpregnert trevirke til å bygge strukturen til en benk på bakenden av båten min, og jeg har brukt en kombinasjon av terpentin, linolje og tjære til både beskytte og farge, Mitt spørsmål er: vil jeg være i stand til å lakkere over den senere? det synes å være klissete, selv etter 48 timer tørketid.


regards Neal

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  • 1 måned senere...

I tried using google translator but I dont think its a success. But I understand perfect written norwegian, so unless you need to answer in english I would prefer you to answer in norwegian.


At the moment my Wiksten Boat is in a småbåthavna in Ålesund and I HAVE to get it out by the 1st of september, I have got 1 month to find a new småbåthavn as I have got the boat under roof in an old verft for 4 weeks, where I am gonna redo the "bunnsmøring" and anodes etc.

If anyone knows of an available båt place please let me know.


I have been following the trebåt tråden with argus eyes and have learned a lot, one thing is not to start to many jobs, and have them all going at the same time. I have two jobs going at the moment the first is replacing the back benches and wow that opened a job I am gonna have to get proffesional help to fix as it involves rotten spant. I will add pictures later.

The second job is to get the outside finished laquered before winter. This I am doing probably wrongly as I am not stripping back to the wood in one go, I am "punkt skraping and sanding" and waiting for fine weather and then lakking.



This area I did yesterday evening, first i used the blow heater (føne) and scraper in the area of these black marks, then sanded and then I laquered it and while I was doing it, the blackness came back when I laquered it. This is not what happened in other places!


In theory the teak? is wet and I laquered it to soon.



This is link is my boat a few years ago, pictures by the previous owner.


So I have something to work towards.



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Det er ikke teak på bildet, det er mahogny. Forøvrig kan jeg jo se på bildet at det er vått, og da blir det ikke særlig holdbart med lakking. Med varmluftpistolen vil du tørke bare det ytterste laget i treverket når du fjerner lakken, etter en stund vil fuktigheten trekke ut mot den nye lakken igjen. Forøvrig vil mahogny oppføre seg på den måten, den blekes av solen ettersom årene går, og når du punktlakker på denne måten vil de lakkede områdene bli mørkere. Når du får tid og vær til å ta hele, så skraper du, pusser for hånd og beiser med mahognybeis før du lakker. Da blir alt bra igjen. :)


Om du har hastverk, så kan du som en midlertidig løsning også ha godt med tynnet lakk på de områdene lakken er løs, uten å bruke varme/skrape. Det skal gjøre samme nytten, poenget er uansett å beskytte ubeskyttet treverk.


Kunne forresten tenkt meg litt mer bilder av båten din, spesielt hekken. Mener å huske at jeg leste om denne båten på en finn-annonse i fjor, og at den ble ombygd ved Wiksten for noen år siden, er ikke helt sikker på om skroget opprinnelig er Wiksten... Er forøvrig over gjennomsnittet interessert i Wiksten-båter da jeg vokste opp på det gamle Wiksten-båtbyggeriet og tilbrakte mange timer på det nye i barndommen.

Engelsk bil og trebåt..... sertifisert utilregnelig!
Fritidsklubb for voksne gubber - http://blogg.cdd.no - aka Gubbeklubben - Wiksten Trebåtklubb: http://wikstenklubben.no

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Thanks Egil, that surprises me that the roof is nated mahogny.. you mention to beis it with mahognybeis before I lakk it, I will try this.


I took more picture on my phone for you today, but the USB cable for my phone is at work, I will post them ASAP


I have managed to get the boat in the old Liaaen shipyard in Ålesund for the next 4 weeks. I want to check the hull under the water line, change the anodes, I was out there on Thursday evening and used the high pressure hose and blew away all the mussels (blåskell) :yesnod:




I was there today and started on the blue marks "blågeit" that is on the hull just over the water line and on the third plank, I first scraped away around the marks and then I brushed turpentine lots of times over the marks. I am gonna go again one evening this week and bleach away the blue marks, to do this I need some instructions. Blågeit for Dummies...

1. What do I buy. (hydrogen peroxide)?

2. how much

3. how do I mix it

4. how do I apply it

5. safety wear.




Spot the error. YES no nut on the propellor.

Yikes I will need a fix for this. I have no idea who delivered the axel or anything, I will buy a micrometer and measure the diameter and the pitch of the thread, any help or info here will be most welcome as I onlt have 4 weeks in the hall.


regards GD

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Ser av bildet at skroget ikke er fra Wiksten, men overbygget kan nok se Wiksten ut. Såvidt jeg husker var det dette som var beskrevet i annonsen; "ombygget ved Wiksten". Det er forøvrig hekken som avslører at dette ikke er en Wiksten.


Forøvrig står det mye om blåved/blågeit i tråder her, spesielt den siste linken er informativ:

https://baatplassen.no/i/topic/15557-svart-treverk-blaaved-eller-raate/, https://baatplassen.no/i/topic/86741-hydrogenperoksid-svekker-det-treet/, https://baatplassen.no/i/topic/10678-fjerning-av-blaaved-paa-skrog-hvordan/page__st__20,

Engelsk bil og trebåt..... sertifisert utilregnelig!
Fritidsklubb for voksne gubber - http://blogg.cdd.no - aka Gubbeklubben - Wiksten Trebåtklubb: http://wikstenklubben.no

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  • 2 uker senere...

I have been busy again, I have got all the (punkt) scraping done, I havn't treated the blåved yet. I think I am gonna take a trip to Cubus and buy some some hydrogen peroxide and make some trials probably tuesday evening.


I was shocked when I took up the boat that there was no nut on the propellor. I was able to source one at a local boatyard/mechanics place.

Here is how I made the measurements. I placed the jaws of a (skiftenøkkel) wrench over the shaft and with a normal tape measure measured the diameter. Which was 20mm. I then used my mobile phone camera and took a picture with the meter measure in place to photo the the distance of the thread (gjenge) which was 7.5 per 10mm. I phoned the boat mechanic, and he sent me the M20 proppellor nut with intigrated zinc anode. See pictures below.



look no nut


getting the right size


all done, I had to saw out the rudder to make room to get it in


Yes egilwh this beauty was bought in Ålesund, I fell in love with her when I saw her on Finn.no


this link still works at the time of writing http://www.finn.no/f...nnkode=34003602


Its a pity that the boat has dilapidated so much from when the photos were taken.




why are the pictures so small?

Redigert av Gamle Dampen (see edit history)
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why are the pictures so small?

Because you're uploading the thumbnails instead of the pictures, I assume....

Engelsk bil og trebåt..... sertifisert utilregnelig!
Fritidsklubb for voksne gubber - http://blogg.cdd.no - aka Gubbeklubben - Wiksten Trebåtklubb: http://wikstenklubben.no

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  • 1 måned senere...

I moved the boat to winter storage last weekend and took her up, I spent a few hour winterizing her. Before I moved her I fitted a second bilge pump with integrated switch. I also replaced some abiko plugs on some of the wires, paying special attention to the start motor. I bought and used some ferrobit, I was disappointed at the result I was there 7-8 times and applied it, some places it worked fine, the main large area was only minimally lighter, I suppose I will just have to live with it. Some jobs I intend to do before I start moving her south.


1. Add a table to the outside back of the boat. I have bought the table top I am looking for some stainless brackets to hook them on.(tips please) I have the leg.

2. Add a bimini sail (sol seil eller kalasje)

3. Add an hour counter. I have bought it and fixed it in place.. just the wiring left.. hehe I am an electrician.

4. Add a sensor/instrument for the fuel tank. I was looking at the one from biltema http://www.biltema.no/no/Bat/12-V/Elektrisk-tilbehor/Vann-drivstoffgiver-258010/ I am worried about getting plastic swarth (spon) in the the tank from the hole I bore. I suppose something creative with the vacuum cleaner is in order (tips please)

5. Add a couple of fixed spotlights (for the tunnels in the canals) I have a hand spotlight

6. Change the horn, at the moment the old one just makes a squeak. A quick fix really just replace it with a new one.

7. Get the water temperature instrument working.

8. Add another fritids battery


3 bigger jobs


A. add a water heater to run off the engine

B. change the WC (I think its a TMC) from hand pump to electric (tips please) I am hoping there is a kit out there.

http://www.finn.no/finn/torget/tilsalgs/annonse?finnkode=16049240 or maybe buy this and dump/sell mine

C. install a new fridge


regards GD

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  • 4 uker senere...

Punkt. 6 Change the horn.


Long story, I was doing some surfing on the net last weekend and I came across this on Utube

and the steam whistle in the opening seconds stayed in my head. :yesnod: The next morning I thought I can make one of those..

but how Utube is my friend so I searched "how to make a steam whistle" I thought lucky if i can find 1, but no there are are dozens.

I searched in my old copper collection and found these bits of copper pipes and brass fittings,




I will solder them together later




I have bought a Biltema lufthorn kompressor




Tommorrow I am gonna start the tricky bit, cutting the wood for the "flute" I suspect the handle on the broomstick will be slightly shorter afterwards :wink:


Regards GD

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  • 5 måneder senere...

translated from english to norwegian using google translate


Har jeg vært opptatt disse siste ukene, har jeg bunnsmørt og montert en ny elektrisk toalett, i tillegg har jeg malt noen seter og oljet noen vegger, jeg har fikset en defekt temperaturmåler, denne helgen jeg skal fullføre utenfor sittegruppe.


Hvis du vil jeg kan gjøre en howto hvordan jeg går fra en pumpe wc til elektrisk wc.


Regards Neal

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  • 3 måneder senere...

translated from english to norwegian using google translate


Det er en stund siden jeg har skrevet noe, har jeg vært opptatt skjønt, men først noen gode nyheter, jeg har begynt å få AFP, så det er min idé å arbeide vinterstid og cruise sommer.

Bilder fra Mai 2013

Her er Gamle Dampen den første dagen i solen i år, nylig bunnsmort og hvit linje nymalt,

Gjestebryggen Fjørtoft



and from the front, a bit dusty, needs a wash.



Disse neste bildene er fra den dagen jeg flyttet GD fra Fjørtoft til Brattvåg. 16 Mai 2013

Haram og Fjørtoft øyene i bakgrunnen.






Trygt i marinaen i Brattvåg.
Jeg hadde et problem da jeg bestemte meg for å montere en ny VHF anntenne (Stråling etc) og fordi jeg hadde bestemt at en mast ville være en pest og plage på grunn av alle bruer etc i kanalene, bestemte jeg meg for å ikke montere den, men en kollega foreslå hengsler, som jeg har gjort, jeg har ikke et bilde å vise av det, en smart ide tror jeg, så kanskje neste uke



Jeg bestemte meg for å gjøre litt laksefiske, dorging 3 ganger og bare fikk en laks, masse makrell og sei, bare en laks :)

Jeg er ingen ekspert, men for meg ser det ut som en 3kg fisk, men bare veide 1,5 kg





Den forrige eieren av denne båten dekket noen ekle ting, ser ut som han brukte bunnsmøring til meg



En litt bedre etter at jeg oljet den med terpentin og linolje,

(ennå ikke avbildet) Jeg brukte Biltermas mahogny olje for det siste strøket, vil gjøre 3-5 strøk
Til slutt en fint bilde av en fisker.
Etter at jeg tok dette bildet han holdt opp en torsk på 4-5 kilo
Mvh Neal
Redigert av Gamle Dampen (see edit history)
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  • 3 måneder senere...

My boat is now back in the hall on the island of Fjørtoft, and last weekend I scraped all the coloured varnish off the top three boards, I think one of the previous owners had added colouring to the varnish and I didnt like it so now its gone,



If you look back at a previous picture you will see the old varnish,

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  • 3 måneder senere...

Its getting closer now before I retire and set off. I am gonna follow Tom Rør's hente tråd and see if its ok for me to sail my snekker from Ålesund to at least Danmark, I am just gonna take it real slow (as if I have a choice in a snekker)


I wanna mention some apps I found for my androids I have 2 x 10.1 pads and a S2 and something I bought in Thailand, its a Samsung but very small. Anyway Apps


1. Maritime Traffic AIS via mobile phone also MaIS login to show you own ships position

2. Europe HD Nav Pad App (no Danmark)

3. Velihavn this map is a good planning tool if you wish to find your next harbour or marina (not an app really)

4. YR and Storm are must haves

5. Tide water its ok to know where you are on the tide

6. Ships Bell use it an alarm clock

7. Boat Logger seems to have all I want


any suggestions for things I missed or improvements


Mvh Neal

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At this address http://www.dmi.dk/hav/prognoser/farvandsudsigter/

you will find the danish weather service, I find them better than yr, and I believe they are more appropriate for where you are going.


I would not place to much faith in Tom Rørs thread here, you have a boat working on the eggshell principle, while his is relying on motor power:

However what you are going to do is not rocket science. I think of it as straightforward, but that you have to figure the threats to your security and then try to avoid the most important ones.

For instance I would procure one of the suits they use offshore, and use it when there is a chance things might go wrong, it will keep you afloat for hours.

Also I would procure warning flashes and rockets, if anything happened.

A VHF is also very dandy, it really complements your mobile.


There are heaps of threads here on the importance of keeping diesel coming to the motor, and what threatens the supply in bad weather. Check them, and get the filters you need. Have you cleaned your tanks?


What is your pump capacity? Are all pumps driven from the same source?

This are examples of what I mean by closing the threats to your safety. When you feel safe is another, and personal matter: You must find your way around.


When this is taken care of you are in for the holiday of your life. Give yourself lots of time, the people and places you meet will shape you forever.



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Thanks for all these good answers giving me lots of things for me to think about, although it will be my first long trip along the coast I have a lot of experience in the fjords around here, I was in my old boat nearly every weekend dorging for salmon.


Because of these answers I also gonna include some rockets and a driv anchor to the list of things to buy,

I have 3 bilge pumps 1 is automatic, 1 has a manual switch, and the third is a hand pump of type gusher.

I am a member of the Redningselskap and I have a rubber boat that I will tow behind.

My first main obstacle will be Stad thats why I included the list of safe harbours Velihavn to the list, and I seem to recall there is some kinda convoy organised by RS, I am gonna try and hang with them.


Again thanks for the advice and if anyone wants to use Norwegian please do, I can speak and read norwegian very well but I cannot write it.


Mvh Neal

Redigert av Gamle Dampen (see edit history)
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