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Projekt: Scand 9200


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I took some of the challenge. I bought two flow meters, so I can read fuel rate, trip fuel and total used. 

So now I have to change all displays to add "fuel rate".   





It is not a NMEA2000 but give simple pulses. I can hook it up to my electronics and make several calculations with it.

If I find  the time I even can make a graph on my display. Something like below. So I can find the optimum km/L ratio which is still around ~0.7 : 1



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The 'fuel rate' and 'total fuel used' is added to both engine displays. software is ready for this part.

So the top dash is ready together with a sunshade (solskjerm?) made of wood polyester and Skai leather.

Don't think it was easy :nonod:  one the screws  went straight through the display cable, so had to install everything twice




The drives are as finished as possible.


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The problem with charging batteries is solved. I don't want to connect them electrically. But still

- While being on the water", one or both of the engines can load all 3 battery packs

- when moored the charger can load all sets.


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New update.





Busy with the engine and engine room.


instead of the standard pressure sender I use a industrial one.

And also I found a nice gadget. It sends information with Bluetooth to your phone. So I add and odb2 connector to the loom (power and CANbus)



the app on the phone

screenshot_2015-08-27-18-28-53.jpg   screenshot_2015-08-27-18-32-29.jpg



 Back to the engine

It was hard the remove the heads because some bolds were severely corroded. instead of wrench nr13  the head shrunk to nr 9.

And I did not want to force it. a broken bold could be the end of the head.



The engine was too hard to turn by hand. So the engine will be disassembled totally.




the pistons will be removed and the cylinders will be cleaned and if necessary honing will be done.

There was some corrosion in 3 cylinders.



in the mean time, new parts arrived. the new struts and bolds for the headset.

and the new valve covers.





Recently my brother and I saw an opportunity to buy two Volvo Penta's (in a boat DONZI 3250 LXC 1996). The engine's are from 2007, so 15 year younger then I have now.

And the engine has EFI. So despite the fact that this is a 8.1 litre engine it uses less fuel from 2000-4100 rpm than my current 7.4 with carbs.  at 4000 the difference is 4 gallon (15 litres)

at 2000 Rpm it is (7.5 litres). Above 4500 (4500 is the limit of my 7.4L)  the engine uses more (7.5 liter) the limit of this engine is about 5000rpm.


I suppose that the range of 2000-4000 rpm is the range that is used for 95% of the time. 

So I am seriously thinking about changing the engine!?!?!?!


Of course I will finish the mercs.

Now I can image that it is a pity to take these engine out of the Donzi, But on the other hand, Donzi are originally  fitted with a pair of 7.4 litre mercruiser engines. (another project)


How do you feel about this? 





Here are some pictures of the DONZI(http://www.proveiling.nl/FEParcel.aspx?pid=1036628)

Redigert av doctordre (see edit history)
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After some good nights of sleep I decide to buy the boat( 2 engines).




-the drives are better. (DP)

-the engine is 8 year old instead of 23 years.

-it is more fuel efficient

-it has CANbus and ready for digital throttle.

-closed cooling system

- 100hp more (8,1 GLX)


I could not find  pro's for my mercruiser

except it will use less fuel above @ 4500 Rpm


But they will be brand new when I am done with them.

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With the amazing work you have put into the rest of the boat, of course it deserves newer and more powerful engines! Can´t wait to see the final result! :thumbsup:

Thanks. :smiley:

in the mean time, the works continue.

All the pistons removed and the cylinders are ready to be cleaned.





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So here is one of the future engines.



It stood still for a year. but started almost immediately. The previous owner(car dealer) could get the other engine up and running.

but after 15 minutes we got it up an running like clockwork.

Some things are quite simple. We checked the spark plugs. Four of them were wet. so no spark. however we had a spark when we keep the plug in our hand.

BTW with pliers of course, else it could hurt

It was simple, the spark plug wires on the outer side were corroded. just a pinch of WD40 and it started.

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The pistons are cleaned and stripped of their piston rings.


also today made a run with the other boat to check out the engines. One engine has a problem of pulling back a little above 3000Rpm. it goes back to idle. my brothers checking out a Volvo flaw of the fuel pump. the paint on the inside comes of and clogs the strainer.  But for the rest, it is like a rocket, so much torque. Despite one engine did not revved up higher than 3000 the top speed was still 65kph




So if that is fixed it would be a joy to test them in the Scand with a whopping 2x420hp. that means 180hp more in the Scand and it weighs 1500Kilos less than the Donzi. It delays the end of the project but who cares.

The only thing (there is always a thing) now is the gear ratio. It is now 1: 1.95; The drive was original for a diesel engine for high altitude. And that makes the picture complete because the boat came from Austria. It has something to do with oxygen and air pressure. I need to look for a 1: 1.65.

Redigert av doctordre (see edit history)
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  • 1 måned senere...

new update. I see it has been a while.


cleaned the valves, cleaned the heads.

also planished all valves by hand, so every valve got the perfect matches edge. And put everything back together.






a friend made a radar arch for the Targa bar.

in the middle is room for a radar dome. for the rest it will be a searchlight, horn and masthead- and anchorlight


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With the help of my brother we put the pistons back in the block. it was not so difficult is I expected. The magic is as Always : The right tools.

first cleaned the whole block wirh gasoline. to get rid of dirt and old oil residue.

then greased everything again so that the pistons would go in smooth without much force.




The bold tightened to specs.


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Beautiful work as always! I really like that radar arch, looks better than what you get on many new boats. :thumbsup:


When you are finished with your engines, can you come and give my little Yanmar diesel an overhaul as well? :giggle:

Redigert av Kenneth (KAH81) (see edit history)

Skibsplast 675 HT med Suzuki DF 250, Biam 800 HT med Yanmar 4JH2-HTE 75Hk

Mazda 929Toyota Celica, Volvo 940GL, Jeep Commander Overland, Volvo 740GL, Mercedes C200 Kompressor, Opel Astra, Mazda CX-5


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Beautiful work as always! I really like that radar arch, looks better than what you get on many new boats. :thumbsup:


When you are finished with your engines, can you come and give my little Yanmar diesel an overhaul as well? :giggle:

Thanks but even this one is just big enough for a rd418d radardome.  

:giggle:  :giggle: better not. It costs a lot of time. Much more than I wanted.

Redigert av doctordre (see edit history)
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  • 5 måneder senere...

Unfortunately due to work, almost done nothing to the boat for the last 5 months. So I changed my job to have more time for the boat.


Put on a new tent that I can use a  bimini top.



also new carpet



Coming week it will see the sun after three years being indoors.

it will go back in the garden, to test if the taps are not leaking. Then flushing the water tank.



electrically, everything is working.  still need to program the searchlight control and wiper interval.

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